Dear Steemians,
Breaking news of the year!!! It doesn’t involve Coinbase, Binance, John McAffee, Nextcolony or Facebook Coin, but it has to do with the newest token of Steemitri The Mannequin!!!
After many sleepless nights spent studying the blockchain, computer programming, economics, chemistry, kung-fu and grandma’s recipes… I found the perfect equation, just like Einstein with his E=mc2!!!
1 Mannequin + 1 Coin = 1 MANNEQOIN
MANNEQOIN shortly!!!
Thanks to for the beautiful graphic, it rocks!!! You’ll receive your
It is a token created on by Steemitri The Mannequin.
It is an entertainment-token, whom no one knows its future value.
BUY, TRADE, SELL and TRANSFER MANNEQOIN tokens at; you can log in with your POSTING KEY.
Here is the Market:
As for every token launch, a nice pie chart is needed!!!
The max. supply is 21,000 MANNEQOIN!
I want to compete with the 21,000,000 Bitcoin!!!
If today BITCOIN is worth 5,600 USD, the MANNEQOIN should be worth 5,600,000 USD!
It’s a simple math calculation, just need to move 3 zeros.
Value of MANNEQOIN today: 0.0000 BANANAS (or USD)
What’s the MANNEQOIN for?
There will be contests/giveaway together with upvotes and usual STEEM!
Gadgets and gifts will be distributed: postcards, T-shirts and autographed bananas!
If you have at least 1 MANNEQOIN you can stay for 1 night in Lugano (Switzerland) at Steemitri’s apartment!
MANNEQOIN owners will be automatically invited to a huge event called STEEMITRI FEST 1 which will take place in beautiful Lugano (Switzerland).
Of course there will be other great surprises!!!
Coming next:
- Plastic Paper (coming soon)
- Plastic Wallet (coming soon)
- Plastic Coins (coming soon)
- Crypto-to-fruit decentralized exchange (coming soon)
- Space mission (coming soon)
In the crypto world the only certainty right now is that the MANNEQOIN will never die!!!
You can hodl it and pass it onto the next generation and the following one!!!
- for the token graphic
- @whatsup and @dramatoken for the inspiration
- The team of STEEM ENGINE: @aggroed, @yabapmatt and @harpagon
- @amico for the donation
- @ran.koree, @abh12345, @uwelang, @detlev, @portokens, @virtualgrowth for having sent some token
Shortly you’ll receive some MANNEQOIN!
Have fun with my token!
Steemitri The Mannequin
Entertainment purposes only. No guarantee of future income or value is made in the issue or exchange of this token.
Thank to you. It was an honor for me to made the graphics for the best token in the crypto the moon!😃
Grazie grazie grazie! You did a super-great job!!!
Big Plastic Hug
Steemitri The Mannequin
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You are really building an empire!
Haha, oh yes!!! Steemitri Republik, my empire, LOL!!!

I will send you a few MANNEQOIN on STEEM ENGINE ;-)
Oh my, I'm going to HODL them for sure! How's your rainfall going?
La pioggia di BEOS continua!!! Grazie per la dritta ;-)
Sounds like a plan to get rid of BTC.
I like it and send you a BEER token with soon may have a value of a real beer or even two.
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Oh yeah!!! Another BEER for me!!! Thanks a lot!!!
I will send 2 MANNE to you!
Haha! Plastic-Dramatic!
This will soooooooo beat Bitcoin! Congratz!!!
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Drama is the real Bitcoin
... and MANNEQOIN is the real DRAMA, lol

AHAHHAHAHHAHHH, beautiful exchange of loving middle fingers, LOL!
Classic reply!
Oh yess!!! MANNE-moon!!!

C'mon DRAMA... shut up :-)
Fooooorte!! Stai al Top @steemitri!! Ti auguro di dover avere la necessità di possedere un mega Castello/Appartamento per ospitare tutte le persone che avranno almeno un MANNEQOIN!!
Ti aspetto a Lugano... nella mia stanzetta :-(

Il castello ci sarà... non appena 1 MANNEQOIN varrà 1millione di EURO :-)
Alla prossima!!!!!
Mai dire mai :) ...comunque io mi accontento di poco...meglio una stanzetta in buona compagnia che un castello in agonia. Ciao ciao ci vediamo a Lugano ;)
Well congratulations! I'm happy to see it!
Clever name!
Thanks a lot for the inspiration!!!
Big plastic hug
Steemitri The Mannequin
Evviva la plastic-economy! 😜Grazie per i Manneqoin, carissimo @steemitri!
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Grazie a te per il supporto e per la donation ;-)
È stato un mio vero piacere! 🤗
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Ottima presentazione....... bravo Steemitri!!!
Grazie mille! Sei stato un grande supporto plasticologico!
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ahhahahahahaa daje.....
Sei troppo forte, sei come la Panda, "se non ci fossi, bisognerebbe inventarti!!!!!"
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La Panda.. mitica!!! Sai che ho in mente un altro progetto con un Pandino?!?!?

Chissà, magari un giorno riesco a metterlo in pratica!
Ti spedisco un paio di MANNEQOIN... controlla nel tuo wallet di STEEM-ENGINE ;-)
Grazie mille, caro amico plasticoso, sei troppo gentile!!
I like it! :D
Looking forward to MANNE on the moon!
Vamos vamos to the moooon!!!
Troppo forte!!!! Complimenti :-))))) Bisogna che ci daró un' occhiata ;-D
Ciao Caroline!!! Naturalmente avrai un paio di MANNEQOIN anche tu ;-)

Già che ci sono... non hai in programma mostre qui in Ticino?!
Grazie mille carissimo!!!! Che gentile :-D Mi sento onorata!
In effetti!!!! L' espo sará il 2 novembre a Locarno.... come ti manderó l' invito? discord? Oppure hai un' e-mail?
Ti ho lasciato un messaggio su Discord... Così hai la mia e-mail ;-)
Ho visto! Grazie mille ;-)))
This is awesome hahaha, @steemitri Long Time No See!! Im dfinitely going to have to start saving up some these great Mannequin tokens to go with the others in my Steem-Engine Wallet, I love it!! upped and resteemed!👍👍👍😎🙋
Thanks for stopping by!
MANNEQOIN is the future, hahaha!
I will send you some extra-MANNEQOIN tokens!!!
Have a great day!!!
Awe, thank you so much @steemitri it's so nice to see you again I agree MANNEQOIN is the future, I love the name, lol!! See you soon!🎉👍😆❤️
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Per me Lugano è dietro l'angolo, potrei venirci veramente...
... e allora, gira quest'angolo e passa a trovarmi!!! Con 1 MANNEQOIN hai il pranzo offerto!!!

Eccolo in arrivo!
Sono ricco!!!
Quel -68% mi preoccupa un pochino.... ahahahahahhaha
Hahahaaaaa, vuol dire che ci sono i saldi e ti puoi riempire di MANNEQOIN :-)
Geniale ❤️❤️❤️
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Cara mia... anche tu avrai i tuoi MANNEQOIN!!! (li troverai su STEEM-ENGINE)

hahaha che grande!
... è in arrivo un MANNEQOIN anche per te!

uuu ma che figata!!!
Looking good! Stop on in our Token Town discord as we all would love to hear more about MANNEQOIN looks like a way cool project!
Bella idea ! Complimenti!!! E Lugano è veramente un bel posto . Ci sono stato varie volte.
Allora ti tocca tornare a trovare the mannequin ;-)

Ecco il tuo gettone per 1 alloggio a gratis!
Aahaha sempre al top, supporto con tutti i cactus!
Oh yeah!!! Spediscimi un cactus, che ti riempio di MANNEQOIN!

Intanto eccone uno per te!
Ahahahah grande, certamente!!! A breve ci si organizza come si stabiliscono le temp! ;)
Yeah!! Finally!! Great!!
Manneqoin on the Moon!!!🚀
I'm a proud owner and hodler now!😉
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Ti ri-aspetto qui a Lugano... e questa volta hai alloggio a gratis!
Appena riesco vengo di corsa!!!😉✌️
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Great and thanks! Look forward to it!
Thanks for your comment!
Have a great day!
Finally, the coin I've been waiting for!
The wait has been well rewarded... and here is your MANNEQOIN (check your wallet on STEEM ENGINE)

I am sure that I will preserve the token you send to me, because I want to be able to redeem in a future event 😉👍This is an amazing token, because I like the idea to use it for something, to take part of a contest or to receive a present (something like the Engage token by @abh12345).
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You got the T-shirt and the postcard... and now you have a MANNEQOIN too!!!
Top steemitri!!!!
Oh yes... mega top!!!

Ti giro 1 MANNEQOIN!
Grande, ora vado a vedere!
A me servirà per quando ti verrò a trovare, manichino...:)
Ecco il tuo MANNEQOIN!!! Altroché pepite d'oro!!!

Vi aspetto in Svizzera!!!
Grazie caro Steemitri!! Ora devo capire dove me l'hai mandato! :)
Hodl forever!!!
Lo trovi su STEEM-ENGINE ;-)
Se hai problemi scrivimi pure in pvt.
P.S. hai visto che è arrivata la cartolina in Venezuela!!!! Forte!
Non avevo visto! Se è arrivata pure lì, ormai non hai limiti... To the moon!!!
Miticoooo! Me lo mandi anche a me un maricchioin???
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Ti mando un maccheroni, haha! Controlla il tuo wallet!

😂😂 grazie è arrivato! Se un domani faccio i vulvini te ne mando 10! 😉
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Ahahahhahh, farò di tutto per avere anch'io un po' di vulvini, belìn! ^_^ LOL
How cool Brother
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Danke Uwe!
Habe dir ein MANNEQOIN geschickt ;-)
Sbav!!! Sogno già una vita da nababbo in un'isola tropicale. Che mi sarò comprato con i tuoi token!!!
1 MANNEQOIN che ti cambierà la vita!!!!

Tienitelo stretto!!!
oh! <3
+++++ Good luck with Your treasure coin! Moon it.)
I am VIZ award bot. Author is not registered. Can't award.
more detailes
hereThanks! You need a MANNEQOIN bro!
Check your STEEM ENGINE wallet ;-)
Great great great....
Controlla il tuo wallet!!!

Oh yes! It's a great token!!!
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token. Enjoy it! Hey @steemitri, here is yourYou've got DRAMA. You are going to be a Whale!
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go to post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @steemitri!
Hey @TTS, please let me know how to use you service for my posts.
I‘m with TTS since the L&H times in early 90ties and even wrote a few books about speech technology
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