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RE: Attend SteemFest²?

in #steemfest7 years ago

Please, be rational! Don't say things like "I asked the Universe for a sign in order to make a final decision on whether to go or not go because when the sign comes, one way or the other, any doubt will be removed." By the way, you should go. In my opinion, I think that you inspire a lot of people.


Under-valued comment, even after my vote.

I love this post Jerry, except the magical thinking. Offering service is why we love you, but avoid that magical thinking. It's a diagnosable symptom on the mental illness scale. (Yes, I realize this is somewhat culturally normalized and no, I'm not implying anything is wrong with Jerry.)

How do you feel about Harry Potter?

"Magical thinking is a term used in anthropology and psychology, denoting the fallacious attribution of causal relationships between actions and events,"

How honest of an answer do you want. =) I don't have a lot of experience with the material, and none with the books, only the movie(s).

It's not for me, but there's nothing wrong with fantasy entertainment or anything, if that's sort of where you were going with that. I do enjoy the Lord of the Rings.

I think what Alex and I are both getting at is the whole "getting a sign from the universe thing." Anytime you think you are getting a "sign", you are probably just interpreting something the way you want subconsciously in an ex-post-facto manner.

Unless you really are a prophet...

Note this is distinctly different from "positive" thinking which the proverbial you uses to motivate yourself before a goal is achieved. There is rational causation there.

LOOK UP EMOTIONAL BRAIN TRAINING !!!!!and I LOVE your comments I learned something.

Thank you for the kind words!

Oh, Jerry, I just remembered I wrote an "anti-magical thinking" post some time ago:

Feel free to check that out if you want my "psychologist" view of why I'm 100% for "the real".

I agree, should we use the same method to decide whether to have life-saving heart surgery?
Stay with your family and make the environmentally sound choice. Don't travel unless you can find a way to do it without polluting. I, in fact, think this should be worldwide law ushered in under the protocols of a worldwide climate emergency. But humans are too​ short-sighted, greedy and dumb to usher in such a sensical protocol....

why don't we start with private jets like Al Gore uses where the benefit/gas has a much lower ratio than say a commercial jet carrying hundreds of passengers to their destination ? - let's not be so quick to use the law to suppress people or restrict our right to travel. These 'world wide laws' you speak of not only reek of elitist new world order agendas, but will have no bearing on the rich and the elites who are the biggest abusers of of this planet to begin with. Such laws are always pointed at the proletariat class and not those who sit in their ivory towers...the urgency to strap humanity with more global laws and restrictions is greedy , dumb, and short sighted protocol....

Disagree. I haven't traveled as a person with very limited income because I take the issue of pollution seriously. So accusing me of being an elitist is about as fuckin' dumb as it gets! Got it, buddy?
I agree that the elites are the ones causing most of the problems because they control policy. In the greatest ironic reversal​ in human history, ​we have been taught that only lone recyclers can make a difference while the elites, who control policy, are given a free pass as you correctly point out ( at least you got one thing right).
As far as laws being implemented​: we wouldn't need to implement them if people took pollution seriously​ and started staying at home or not traveling​ unless they find ways to do so that do not pollute​.
Which was the point of my post to the author.
Such laws, that I propose, would be binding on ALL people for about 40 years to buy us and our technology time to solve these very complex and intractable problems.
But I'm no delusionist like yourself. We will suffer the full fury of our ignorance and arrogance over the coming century. We are already paying the price now but the elites will never change their disastrous​ trajectory.
IMO, the smartest people on the planet right now are The Preppers......