If ANYbody deserves to win a ticket, it's Asher!
Not only is he "Mr. Engagement" and one of the hardest working people in the community, he co-runs a witness, he delegates, he encourages newcomers... and all the stuff you've already read about him.
But here's a thing that's important for Steemit, as a whole: The participants in the weekly Curation and Engagement Leagues NOT ONLY create a significant percentage of all quality content on the platform; it's member retention rate is multiple times higher than the platform as a whole... and I know retention (or the lack of) is an issue here.
Now you might think "Yeah, that's Steemit, not STEEM. What about the overall STEEM blockchain?"
Like it or not, Steemit may just be "an experiment," but it remains the de-facto "front window" onto the Steem Blockchain. And that impression will not separate anytime soon. If Steemit isn't thriving, it reflects on Steem. And Asher is probably doing more to help Steemit thrive than any other person I can think of. And that's good for Steem, and the blockchain.
Smooth is going to think I'm paying some of you guys.
Thank you for this reply @denmarkguy, it is appreciated very much.