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RE: [save the date] SteemFest 2017 - Creamy & Delicious - 1/2/3 (+4/5) November - Lisbon

in #steemfest8 years ago

If I ever cash in on these Steem, I'll definitely make it to one of those SteemFest! Thanks for the updates and I look forward to seeing more about the goodness of this precious gathering.

Namaste :)


Eric! Please come! It would be great to meet you!

AS YOU MIGHT READ BETWEEN THE LINES, IF THE MONEY COMES, I'LL DEFINITELY BE THERE. I would LOVE to meet so many of you out there... Soon enough. Thanks for the encouraging words. Namaste :)

Sir yes sir! :D I'm in the same boat and have been working backwards to be able to afford my trip there!