How awesome - I am so honored to have won this, and am extremely excited to meet everyone and hopefully learn a ton!
I'd love to personally chat sometime if you're up for it - I conduct interviews with Steemians that have been around for a while and have made an impact on the community in some way or another.
My Discord is Panda#3993
Let me know, and I'll see you at SteemFest2!
It is great you are honored and it appears you deserve it!
Congrats again I am excited for all of Steemit not just those at SteemFest and feel SteemFest will benefit all of Steemit and we are going there to make it so!
Congratulations @fatpandadesign, it made me happy and smile just reading how excited you are! So wonderful, hope you have a great time at SteemFest2! :)