These are indeed a god-send, and I am not even religious. I have had the chance to eat some on my honeymoon in Portugal, at the place where they have made "The Recipe" in Belem. You will love them, that's for sure.
But be sure to eat some barbecued sardines, you can't eat fresher or better sardines than in Lisbon...
Damn, I'm jealous, but he, maybe next year, I am there too!
Oh wow, that really looks insanely good :-) Thanks for the tips!!! Hopefully there will be enough time to eat a lot, haha
We'll send you some good Portuguese vibes through the live-stream then :-)
I will be following it! I'm curious for your movie! ;-)
Live-stream?! That's a nice touch for those unable to attend. So your presentation is going to be beemed out to the world? 😎