I appreciate that you are commenting on this part of the post as I find it to be very important and that fact that he is writing about it in a post here is quite profound.
Thanks for contributing to the exploration of this profoundly important aspect of the human experience.
Thank you so much @quinneaker! I think that section was the most profound part of this post, actually. I'm so glad that someone with his large following is on here talking about what I believe is such a vital conversation that needs to be had. Now more than ever, in today's technological advent, we have become so disconnected from each other because we have relied on digital communications, digital connections, for too long. We have forgotten the importance of connecting on a human to human level, in person.
SO glad he's talking about it! :DPractices like the one @jerrybanfield described in this post are just one of several ways to attempt to re-ignite that level of intimacy and connection between people.