True words! Thanks for your post. Many people don't even really know their priorities. Sometimes you can't think straight. It often happens that you think your daily schedule sets your priorities. Its difficult to think outside your normal routine!
I have this problem as well. But if you can think outside the box it's a relief! I have to train that kind of thinking. Twenty minutes of meditation a day and - of course - reading motivational steemit-posts, help me a lot. :)
So everyone: enjoy your time @ Steemfest!!!
Boy, isn't that the truth. Most people don't even know what they like as they have been told what to do, when and how to do it for most of their lives. So choosing a priority can be extremely difficult, especially topped with shoulds, have-tos and musts!!
I like to think how little importance certain aspects of life can become once you walk away form them--say for example what is happening at home while you are on vacation. The whole world at home could have crumbled, and if you didn't now it, your life would still be awesome. We can leave behind things we thought we needed and rethink what is of value and go with that. It is difficult for most people though, as you say, getting out of the box can be quite a task.
Meditation and uplifting Steemit posts---good choices @thecoach. Glad you're here to throw around some thoughts with me. Blessings to you.