SteemFest² Preparations

in #steemfest7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit,

tomorrow at noon I fly to Lisbon for Steemfest², and I am currently preparing myself for it by recharging all my equipment. This time I will take all 5 chargers with me, in Amsterdam I only had one USB charger, that was definitely not enough.

A look back at Steemfest 1

When I travelled to Amsterdam in 2016, the mood on Steemit had worsened steadily in the run-up to the event, as since the all-time highs in the summer of 2016, the Steem has steadily lost value.

I entered the Volkshotel in Amsterdam with mixed feelings. On the one hand I already knew some Steemians through the, but on the other hand I hadn't got to know any other users of the platform in real life.

It's just a difference to read only avartare on the screen and their comments, or to talk to real people and listen to their pronunciation.

The big topic for the Steemfest 2016 was the planned change in the Steemit economy. The powerdown period should be shortened from 104 to 13 weeks and at the same time the existing hyperinflation should be stopped. These changes were rolled out with a hardfork in December 2016.

SteemFest 1 was organized excellently by @roelandp. It will hardly be possible to beat this again.

I found the session most motivating on late Saturday afternoon, when the apps of busy, steepshot (ex steemstagram) and steem sports were presented.

Waiting for the Roadmap

The roadmap for 2017 was then published on 17 January 2017. It was very ambitious and, unfortunately, some of the targets for 2017 have not yet been met. For example, the "World Class Developer Documentation" planned for Q2 is far from being "world class". Just for fun, try to install Steem-Python on a naked Ubuntu exactly according to the instructions, it won't work. For Q3 the communities as well as the rebranding were announced, but we haven't seen any of them so far.

The Shock

Last year's absolute low point for me was the departure of Dan. I can still remember that day. I thought: okay, that was it. I drunk a lot of beer this day with my brother @beers.

Image credit @beers

Ironically, the steem price has risen since dan's exit.

The Munich BlockShow

In spring the BlockShow took place in Munich. All in all it was a very funny event.

On the eve of the block show I was with ned, mrs.steemit, charlieshrem, timsaid, furion and svk in the Hofbräuhaus, and on the evening after that we were on tour again.

Unfortunately we celebrated too much, so that ned was not fit enough for his speech. And also the exhibition stand of Steemit has to look better in 2018, I have some ideas, ned: -)

The "Experiment"

The relinquishment of voting by the large accounts with more than 400 MVests in spring 2017 was very well received at the base, finally the votes of smaller accounts also had an impact on the author rewards. Unfortunately, the experiment ended and the linear reward curve was introduced.

Self Voteing, Vote Selling & SP Leasing

Since then we have been struggling with self-voters, voter-sellers and SP-lenders. The honest curator is the fool right now. He spends a lot of time rewarding good content and receives Curation Rewards. While the other 3 can make a bigger profit without any time effort. There is an urgent need for action here.

My expectations of Steemfest²

My only expectation of SteemFest² is to finally find a convincing reason to buy STEEM. Because so far I don't see any, except the speculation that the Steem-Blockchain could one day be used by a lot of users.

I have planned to do a Steemfest post every day, which is constantly updated, kind of a ticker. Otherwise, I am looking forward to meeting a new country, because I have not yet made it to Portugal.

Stay tuned & Steem On!

And don't miss my other posts regarding SteemFest²:


Have fun in Portugal. Hoffentlich wird SF2 ein Erfolg und vllt gibt es ja positive Neuigkeiten zu berichten.

Mal schauen :-)

Bringing that many electronical devices, make sure your power plugs are compatible with type F (the west-european standard)..

See you in Lisbon!

Oh, for a moment you shocked me, never heard of type F plugs, but these are all type F plugs, I live in europa too. :-)

Ich hoffe in den nächsten Tagen paar interessante Beiträge von dir zu lesen (ich hoffe paar auch auf deutsch), damit wir die nicht hingehen können es auch miterleben können.

Oje, Englisch und Deutsch auf dem IPad tippseln, das wird ein Graus. Ich bin ja nicht der Smalltalker, also habe genug Zeit zum Tippen auf dem Event, aber dann noch zweisprachig, mal schaun :-)

Ich kann auch English lesen. Mach was du willst hauptsache du hast Spaß beim Fest das ist ja der Sinn der Sache.

Ich hoffe mal, die Akkus von meinen Geräten halten durch ...

Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß, aber nicht zu viel ;), und viel Erfolg bei deiner Suche nach einem überzeugenden Grund. Da würde ich mich auch freuen.

Vielen Dank @nacktepoesie

See you tomorrow! Freue mich!

Ich mich auch :-)


Thank you, and have fun with @shla-rafia.

Ich bin ja so gespannt!!

Wann fliegst Du?

I feel better knoiwng you're there, hope you have a great & wonderful time!

See you there! As you say, I am hoping for reasons to buy steem as well. I'm optimistic!

Thank you very much @gringalicious, what‘s your opinion about the new steemit logo?

the @boomerang whitepaper.This post has received a 28.98 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @twinner05@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read

Meanwhile, I decided to make a contribution also in my little way to SteemFest 2 through my Act of Creativity, but it got little publicity. I would appreciate you checking this out, and letting me know what you feel about it. Thank you as you do.
This is so Nice of you @twinner

Nice designs, commented there.

Wünsche dir viel Spaß und viele neue inspirierende Eindrücke und Erfahrungen. :-)

Vielen Dank @peter2017. Kann jemand von Euch im Café Westend für nächsten Mittwoch reservieren? Ich würde dann noch den Post rausfeuern...

OK, mach ich noch heute! Viele Grüße, Peter

Danke Dir im Vorraus!

Tisch ist reserviert für 8.11.2017, ab 18.00 Uhr

Ich habe heute erst erfahren, daß es sowas wie ein Steemfest gibt. ;-)
Steemit ist einfach ein 1000sasa ....
Viel Spaß in Portugal, twinner!

Das wurde doch 100 fach angekündigt, nur leider waren andere Posts oft in Trending höher, so dass SteemFest schonmal untergehen konnte.

Das ist in meinem Fall aber auch gar nicht weiter schlimm - ich habe hier zwei kleine Kinder am Start und will momentan lieber bei Ihnen bleiben. ;-)
So interessant so ein Fest auch sein mag - momentan habe ich ganz andere Prioritäten.

Aber Dir wünsche ich auf jeden Fall viel Spaß und viel Erfolg auf dem Meeting / Fest.

Have fun, enjoy and bring good news. All of us hope that you return in good mood and motivated ... :-)

Und, wie findest Du das neue Logo?

Super. Die Oberfläche fühlt sich "haptisch" einfach besser an :-) wie eine neue Wohnzimmer-Tapete!

Nice. Hopefully will make it to sf3

Let‘s hope that there will be a SF3 and that it will be in Europa again. Dont like to fly oversea.

For sure there will be one. And no matter where it is I need to mae it there ehehhe :D

Good to know what's in your mind @twinner

It really seems a lot of problems need to be addressed and solved to make Steemit that successful as many people think it should already be.
Me too, even though I have only been here for less than 4 weeks, can already see the flaws that exist.
Anyways. Have a safe travel and enjoy it to the mosy

Thank you very much @maxinpower

viel Spaß beim Netzwerken und Feiern!

Ich bin gespannt auf deine weitere Einschätzung.

Danke! Ich werde berichten.

thx for this post. Didnt know Some facts from you and steem. I hope you find a new reason to invest in steem. But for now have fun in lisbon.

I dont need a new reason to invest in Steem, I need a new reason to keep my Steem :-)

  1. So viel Zinsen bekommst du bei keiner Bank
  2. Wenn der Preis sich nächstes Jahr verdoppelt oder mehr ärgerst du dich unendlich wenn du jetzt aussteigst ;-)

Das war ja auch nur ketzerisch gemeint :-)


Im still new here on Steemit and still learning about cryptos, blockchain etc.
Didnt know about steemfest beeing such a big event. I am looking forward to upcoming steemfest post and interesting about the future plans of steemit blockchain etc.

Haha, in case my charger doesn't work, now I know who to ask. Nice collection! :-) And also nice recap.

See you in a couple of hours!

Hope you will get more than one reason and your journey will be worth it for the SF

wow have a great time enjoy your journey :D

Alguem fala português nesse evento ?

click here.Congratulations @twinner, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 26 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $1008.53. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,

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