Hello Steemians,
I‘m back at home after spending 6 days and 5 nights at SteemFest² in Lisbon. Transfer from Fenix Lisboa hotel to airport was easy, I had a friendly Taxi driver who was driving too fast. I wanted to check the speed of the car, but the display showed 0 km/h. I don’t know if this some kind of manipulation to extend allowed driving times, maybe you have an idea or made the same experience.
Compared to SteemFest 1 in Amsterdam I‘m now not so euphoric as I was last year after SteemFest. Off course it was nice to talk with old friends from last SteemFest, to meet people in real life from whom I only knewed the username on steemit so far and to learn about interesting and inspiring people I was not aware before My travel to Lisboa.
The performance problems of the last weeks on steemit.com webpage and the lack of communication from steemit inc decreased my trust into the development team. So it was very positive that a lot of the core developers attended SteemFest and I now trust that they are able to deliver the planned building blocks, even if some targets of the 2017 Roadmap were not achieved so far.
Another surprise was the awesome #beersaturday meetup on Saturday evening, it was community building as it‘s best. Although I like the beer posts, In my opinion the often posted beer reviews are not valuable content, it‘s more funny entertainment trash.
SteemFest organizer @roelandp did it again. In Amsterdam he operated on his well-known playground, and in Lisbon he organized 7 exquisite locations for
- the Opening drinks at Fenix Garden hotel
- Day 2 at Centro Cultural de Belem
- Day 2 Evening at Snookerclub Lisbon
- Day 3 at Montes Claros, Lisbon Secret Spot
- the Night of Steem at Suspenso
- the Art Exhibition at LX Factory
- the Closing Dinner at Estufia Fria
Thank you very much, Roeland!
Luckily the sun was shining over the weekend, so we had perfect conditions to discover the beautiful city of Lisbon. I will definitively return some day to Lisbon to spend some more days there with my family.
One of my main goals for the trip was also to find out if there are any reasons to buy Steem in sight. To be honest, I have not found a single one. Of course we will get SMT‘s, but why should the price of Steem rise, if people use apps like appics and earn xap tokens and cash out these tokens to fiat money or bitcoin. Also, some of the major problems we currently have on steem(it) (selfvoting, votebuying, sp leasing) were not discussed. If i remember right, @ned answered to the question, what he plans to do against vote-buying, that it’s a free market and that it’s an opportunity. In my opinion this will not work in the long run. It seems it has to get much worser than today, before a change in the blockchain protocol will be implemented.
The only reasons I see STEEM is right now a buy are
- STEEM is the blockchain with the most transactions per day
- STEEM is THE onboarding gateway for Blockchain beginners
Buying or holding Steem is currently nothing more than a bet that the number of users and applications on the STEEM Blockchain could one day increase massively and the value of the STEEM token could increase.
I don‘t want to be unfair, but it‘s hardly possible to find real net-investors on SteemFest. Most part of the SteemFest attendies are net-earners, they invested their time and their content and have now either a valuable SteemPower stake or a well-filled bank account. So it‘s no wonder, that you see so many happy people on SteemFest, always praising this fantastic community, but sometimes you get the feeling that their is a community-belief that money is created by clicking the upvote button. At the end someone has to pay the bill, e.g. in the context of steem(it) currently the speculators and investors on the markets, they buy the cashed out steem and steem dollar and stabilize the price of the steem tokens.
For all these reasons I don't look back euphorically on the SteemFest, although of course we spent fantastic days in Lisbon.
Steem On, and don't miss my other posts regarding SteemFest²:
thanks for your honesty. You brought the issues to the point and in a clarity rarely seen recently, where instead just unreflected hurra and euphoria is communicated.Dear @twinner,
Read and watch this for positive economics/value flow with SMTs: https://steemit.com/steem/@ned/explainer-value-flows-on-steem-with-smts-video and SMT Whitepaper goes into depth on this too: https://SMT.steem.io
I’m surprised you did not ask me a single question the entire event...
No vote for twinners post @ned? I am wondering - would deserve it imho, because the critic is constructive.
Thank you sir for preparation steemfest2
@ned , if I could go there I would personally have asked you tons haha. I do hope my team leaders from #teammalaysia would have gotten the opportunity to meet you.
He may be shying a bit in asking a question in front of the crowd :D
But yeah he has got some valid points and that is what I sometimes think about.
Distribute the powers to the lower level and see what you get out of it.
Thanks @ned Steemit need to have a complaint or an idea's center to check for the ideas from the users. As you know users experience things that some developers don't know.
@ned I am convinced SMT will be a great success! No doubt whatsoever!
These two reasons are actually good reasons.
Bur for me, one of the most important things (in my opinion) were adressed and well presented by the dev team: scalability. If the software running the nodes and interfacing with the webservices do not improve, we will have a real problem. So in this steemfest:
See u soon mate. It was pleasure.
wow! I love that picture of you guys climbing the stairs to 'A night of Steem' .. epic! Thank you, for the thank youssss!
This is currently an issue. The economics of Steem currently are not sustainable. Maybe we are in a startup phase? Not exactly the same thing but new businesses often are run at a loss because there is projections that they will become profitable.
The take away for me was the community that is gathering around this project. I am encouraged after Steemfest that key member of the community are going to mobilise around this issue and tackle the problems but obviously if we continue as we are and the system continues to see a net outflow of money then we are in trouble.
Great to meet you and thanks for sharing your experience.
Sehr schön das du uns mit der Kamera mitgenommen und die Tage so gut dokumentiert hast, richtig klasse. So haben die Daheimgebliebenen auch einen Eindruck davon.
Ich habe den Eindruck, dass du nicht wirklich zufrieden bist, finds aber gut das du darüber sprichst und die Kritikpunkte auch öffentlich teilst, so kann sich wenigstens etwas verändern.
Danke Dir, vor allem hätte ich jetzt Null-Bock, nochmal Posts über Tag 1, 2 oder 3 zu machen. Bin echt froh, dass ich das untertags gepostet habe. Ich bin nicht unzufrieden, das SteemFest und die Tage waren wunderbar, da konnte man die Probleme auf der Blockchain ganz gut verdrängen :-)
Hehe immerhin, tolle Menschen sind für mich das, wovon Steemit lebt.
Ich habe hier Leute kennen gelernt die für mein Privatleben wichtig geworden sind, was ein Geschenk.
Es wär doch erstaunlich, hätte Steemit keine Probleme, ich hoffe einfach, es wird Lösungen geben und solange geniesse ich die Community hier.
herzlichen Dank für diesen kritischen Beitrag. Jedes System, dass keine konstruktive Kritik verträgt, ist in sich instabil. Herzlichen Dank

First of all thanks for sharing steemfest2 travel experience. Excellellent photography. Glad to hear your honest thoughts on SteemFest2.
thanks for the honest reporting on the event... i also thing the coomunity part is much stronger than the investment part... at least looking at other alt coins and their performance.
The people feel, that steem(it) is unfair, so they leave. And investors are seeing this too, so they stay out, and price is going down.
Thanks for this valuable and realistic analysis. I think we need more of these contributions that include also criticism. I was jealous looking at the great posts from #Steemfest and I think @roelandp has again created MAGIC with the event. Agree with you @twinner on the investor view and outlook. Glad to hear you trust the Devs - that means I will trust them too now. I will remain to be the guy powering up nearly everything in hope the price is mooning in the future.
This comment is not meant to attack anyone posting their love of steemit at all - positivity is needed, but sense for reality is also key to survive.
And a key to trust! Positivity and critism do not exclude each other... !
When reading this from twinner, I recieve information from a trustworty observer... instead of one-sided unrealistic dreambakers...
Thank you a lot for more posts about SteamFest! Your photos and description helps to imaging the atmosphere there and understand more what i missed ( . I hope at SteamFest 3 i will attend finally!
Thank you very much @alidawonderland. If you are able to go to SF3, do it :-)
Hi Twinner, hoffe alles gut bei dir? Super Artikel und berechtigte Kritikpunkte! Wäre trotzdem auch gern dabei gewesen! :-)
Danke Dir :-)
Danke dir für deine ehrliche Meinung. Ich finde es gut, dass du deine kritische Meinung geäußert hast. Ich hatte beide Räume nebenbei der Arbeit laufen lassen und muss sagen, dass ich von den Vorträgen etwas enttäuscht bin :/
@twinner you really made excellent points and remarks in your post and glad you had great time at steemfest... i cannot agree more with your submissions to @ned on best ways going forward and i trust @ned is already looking into the challenges of self upvoting and leasing/buying upvotes which will impact on steemit negatively... keep it up and thanks for sharing...
Thank you very much for your words @kenhudoy. I assume that ned was not real aware of the existience of these kind of bots.
he should know afterall steemit is his baby project and a wise man like him never forgets a cute baby with huge potentials...;) welcome as always....
The photos were beautiful, especially juxtaposed against your sobering and honest insights.
Thanks for the thoughtful review
:-) @roused
Hi ~i'm korean I saw you at Steemfest.
Do you remember the steembanner I gave you as a gift?
I want to see you again next year at Steemfest.
Hi @roychoi, I remember you, but unfortunatly I was not able to gather one of your cool gifts ...
mentioned in his recent post..It will be one of the biggest issues to find big investors in order to really get STEEM going in even further heights. Exactly like @alexvan
My big hope are the SMTs. If an app like APPICS goes viral it might draw a lots of attention to steemit itsself.
Another way probably would be drawing the attetion of the gaming community from youtube/twitch to dtube & co.. The more people get convinced that these are better solutions, the better!
Let's hope the best :-)
Thx again for your witness support for me. I wrote my weekly witness report.
Do you run a standby/failover witness server? In case of failure it can take hours/days to replay the chain.
I do not run a backup yet. I am looking to implement it. In my case the replay only took 2 hours. So for now It's not the highest priority but if I get higher in ranking it must be in place.
Ein sehr guter informativer Post.
Danke Dir!
It's great to be able to interact with people from the steemit community and to be able to meet them personally at the Steemfest, I think that despite being a repeat experience for you, you will always meet new people and have the possibility to interact and bring new stories with you.
Yes, this year it was a little bit complicated. Either you listened to the speeches on day 1 and 2 or you missed interesting talks outside the presentation rooms. Still need to find the optimal balance.
very very true @twinner.
Hello @twinner
Thanks dear for sharing your Steemfest 2 experience with us, its so good to be among your followers this time around as you just take me through the Steemfest 2 happenings even though am not privilege to be there and thank God for the journey mercy back to your family too.
I know Steemit best interest is yours so keep the banner high and flying
Thank you very much for your words, nuges.
Ich kann deine Kritik aus den Augen eines Investors durchaus verstehen; aus den Augen eines Kleinanlegers allerdings ist (zur Zeit wenigstens) Selfupvoting, Stimmenkauf und SP-Leasing nun mal der einzige Weg, das, was man investiert hat (bzw. einen Grossteil) wieder herauszubekommen.
Zu der Tachoanzeige; wenn man den Tacho abklemmt werden die gefahrenen Kilometer nicht angezeigt; wenn man dann das Fahrzeug verkauft, kann man ein Auto, das tatsächlich 50.0000 km gefahren ist, als ein Auto, dass nur 20.000 km (oder was auch immer) auf dem Tacho hat verkaufen. Wird sehr oft von Menschen praktiziert, die Jahreswägen fahren und verkaufen und auch Autohändler nutzen dies.
Ich sehe keinen Unterschied zwischen "Investor" und "Kleinanleger", zumal ja auch die ganz großen Investoren beim Vote-Selling mitspielen (siehe booster).
Stimmt, auf die Idee mit dem abgeklemmten Tacho hätte ich auch selber kommen können :-)
A really good and interesting post with beautiful pictures! Especially your honest, critical thoughts - in the post and in your answer to Ned - made this post to one of the most interesting I've ever read on Steemit in my short time here as a newbie, even more so as you are an experienced Steemian of nearly the first hour.
So I learned a lot and then even more through following your link to the post of @jaki01. I find the opinion of @dzone in his discussion there with jaki01 also worth considering so as your suggestions here. Thank you!
Danke für Deinen Kommentar, und für den Hinweis auf die interessante Diskussion zwischen @jaki01 und @dzone. Das interessanteste an Steemit ist ja mit, dass die Diskussion über die Zukunft der Platform auf der Platform selber geführt werden kann, und man nicht auf reddit, bitcointalk etc ausweichen muss.
I read your daily reports on the steemit-fest and I thought by myself: well, he is more reporting on the lovely location than on the event itself, so your bottom line of the fest is no surprise to me.
When I joined steemit in June this year, I purchased around 2000 steem for over 2$ per steem. Now the value is less than half. I could have many reasons to be disappointed or discouraged. But since the few months I am part of this community, I experienced a very helpful community and met a lot of nice people, though I do not post as much as others do.
So I am very confident and I am very positive that steemit has a bright future. Thank you for your honest reports and I am very thankful- as always - for your assistance and help!Hello @twinner!
Very good post - without bullshit! 👍
Awesome post @twinner ! Glad to hear your honest thoughts on steemfest ! Im still trying to get through the live streams , I made it as far as Neds fireside chat ! What a fabulous place though to visit some day ! I would have loved beer SATURDAY ! thanks for sharing !👍👍👍
This index for the live streams may help you get through them a little faster. Each link takes you to the correct time in the videos.
Oh wow ! Thanks @adam7 ! I will check it out for sure !👍👍👍💕✌
Thank you very much @momskitchen
For me it was very interesting to read that even some Steemit insider like you speaks out about some of the problems this great platform here is experiencing.
I have only been here for about a month but I can sense why it might become difficult to get more users joining here. And that's what we actually need to keep it interesting and rewarding for everybody who hasn't been here for a year or more.
My posts usually reach the same audience and get upvotes from almost the same people. That is already nice to have a few real readers of my posts but I can't see how it will grow even if I will keep posting almost every day.
The trending pages are dominated by almost the same users all the time and my posts will only be "visible" for seconds or maybe minutes before the vapor off.
Especially when I'm writing in English it seems only a few people actually notice my articles, the German community is way more focused and helpful.
I invested some of my own money here too and was planning to put in even more, mostly to increase my upvote power to reward other users content. But after reading your article I might need to think about it again
However thank you for telling us your opinion
Have a great Wednesday, we here in Japan are always a little ahead 🌇
Don't care about the trending page, it's currently mostly dominated by circle jerks. If you write in german, don't forget the #deutsch tag.
I'm trying to write in German and in English, but I'm still trying to figure out what is the best way to do so. Both languages together, or in two articles? I would like to serve both audiences thoughOf course I'm using is the #deutsch tag.
click here.Congratulations @twinner, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 27 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $800.35. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.
All very good points. Let's hope that the platform can shift that true curators and authors who create valuable post will get rewarded - not just the ones who know how to play the upvote and bot game.
Nothing to give you twinner, except a very big thank you for your honest opinion. It has been discouraging at best to continue to post both fun and well done post that once received many more dollars now marginalized to a couple of dollars at most. Yes. You will catch me upvoting myself, because I do put time and effort into my blog. Trying to be original and still have good content.
Agree something must be done. I watch as other bloggers that started out a month ago blow by me in reputation scores because of bots and other methods of gaining traction.
Try to keep my integrity intact and play by the rules, but with so many others that cheat the system it is difficult to remain optimistic.
As it is ... I just try to enjoy my friends here and write what interests me and hopefully a few others. I have faith steemit will get back on track soon.
Again many thanks for your excellent post and honesty. 🐓🐓
Great post and nice photography. thanks for sharing
Upvote Resteem
very nice post. I hope you like my latest post.. One of my dreams is to go to steemfest 2018.https://steemit.com/steem/@rival/how-steem-can-change-your-life-by-rival
Its a marvelous ceremony of steemfest 2 you wasted 06 days. But better developing work did inside steem blockchain. Really enjoyable meetup @twinner.
Thanks for sharing great steemfest2 travel experience with scheduled locations, activities to steemians. Excellent job.
Awesome photo shots with great campaign blog. Specially thanks to the @roelandp for all of preparation work. Finally got best result from this conference.
Vielen Dank für diesen Bericht - auch mit durchaus kritischen Anmerkungen.
Volle Power von mir!
schöne zusammenfassung, natürlich findet man auf dieser veranstaltung meist personen die stark in steem entweder zeitlich oder finanziel stark involviert sind, diese werden natürlich meist nur positiv über das projekt sprechen. jedoch mussen im endefekt auch kosten gedeckt werden und ohne großen investoren wird das langfristig schwer sein- Mit steem to the moon wird man diese aber schwer überzeugen können da muss mehr substanz dahinterstehen.
potenzial ist aufjedenfall da
As long as we do not make full use of Steem / SBD in a much wider scope like #steemshop it will go stagnant.
Here in #teammalaysia we already started "investing" in different ways where we adopted shopping and trading among each other to help our own country's economy and also investing into Steemit at the same time.
When each country actually adopts something similar like this, it will eventually die off.
I may not be able to be at Steemit Fest, but my team leaders were there if you have met them; and I have already wrote about my experience that what we are adopting below and maybe this will give your some encouragement that no doubt that it looks more like content creators only, but there are entrepreneurs and teams who believe this can expand much more in the future.
Here's my own take:
Steemit: Make Steem Dollars Practical (and Sustaining this Ecosystem)
One of a journey to remember lifetime and probably one of the best.
Well the next few days are gonna see some excellent posts from all the Steemians who attended the SF .Though not being in Sf it feels good to go through the posts :)
Nicely laid all the topics buddy !
Sehr guter informativer Bericht. Wird gleich resteemed :-)
Amazing post really nice & mind touch blog😁..I like this👌.Re-steem😍😍
Wow, richtig tolle Fotos, dein Kamera ist der Hammer @twinner!
Danke, Jonas.
Nice Report!
Maybe next year we meet us at the next SteemFest.🍾
If you liked lisbon and you want to spend another vacation there check out our Travel Deals an Flights 🛩
Thank you very much for your travel deals.
Well written, straight from the heart...
Shared at:
Thank you for sharing
Welcome back
Thanks for your report..
Glad to hear your honest thoughts on steemfest.. Awesome post @twinner..
Thank you for your words, @lordoftruth
What an awesome event this has been :D
Thank you very much @blazing
Wow what a travel experience steemfest2
Thanks for sharing your experience
Thank you @reet
Nice country