steemfest final round post

in #steemfest7 years ago (edited)


My application

  • I am a young guy(17) living in India, who would really like go to steemfest. 2. This picture of me when I was a kid. I was born in a very small village and life seemed perfect to me until we moved to a small town. Before then, I didn't realize that electricity and running water were available for more than 1 hour a day! I then realized that life at my home village was very tough. Life at the small town also seemed perfect until we moved to a big town for my high school studies. There I realized that there is competition everywhere and I'd have to study hard to survive. My father worked hard to pay my tuition fee. I was on the path that's followed by every normal big city Indian kid. school(from age 5 to 14) > Coaching for admission into a nice college (14-17) > Then join a college (17-22). All of private school college institutes charge big $ from parents. I was shocked to hear from my Canadian friend that a lot of people in Canada and the US go to public schools instead of private ones. That was hard for to believe for me because here hardly anyone goes to public school. Here, nobody wants to go to public schools because the conditions there are inhuman and education is beyond poor. Most of the schools have unskillful teachers and for the most part children go there for food, not for the education. Unfortunately, most families who send there children there cannot afford a daily meal. The national Indian government provides food in public schools. I was lucky that I got admitted in a private school and obtained some education which now feels worthless Because now I feel there is no practical application of the stuff I studied . Enough on that I would like to thank @aggroed , @theprophet0 and @steemfest for giving me a chance to express myself. You can find my story here

The challenges I feel that needs to be addressed to the world?

I'm very concerned with the issues that are facing my home country - poverty, hunger, quality education, health, and gender equality. These are challenges that also exist in world. My country suffers from all of them on a large scale. India is among the poorest countries in the world. The average salary in various professions are -

Daily wage laborers2-3$/day
Support staff5-8$/day
Govt. bank employees15-18$/day

And of course not to mention that a vast number of youth remains unemployed. These are the problems that can't be easily be corrected. The system is corrupt, politicians take money in their pockets. The poor are becoming more poor and rich are becoming more rich.steemit can help youth to achieve their goal and earn some $ so that they don't remain under poverty.

A vision statement?

'Quality Education', I think a lot of my country's problems stem from lack of quality education. I think with proper education our communities can work together to help solve the problems of poverty, hunger, clean water, health & gender equality. I feel that education should be free and accessible to all. Currently in my country, people send their children to private schools. Millions of dollars are spent by parents on private school education because the public schools in India are in a very, very, poor state. With technology we can change that - we can make communities that can provide free education to students at a low cost, so everyone can learn. When my brother was a kid he was curious to know everything: why grass is green, sky is blue, etc but after sending him to private school he no longer asks these type of curious questions. What happens at school? We moved to a city for his education by spending lots of $ in private school, just to make him lose his curiosity and sense of wonderment. They just teach him to score better grades that's it. This is not enough! The system has to change and technology has the power to do that. National and local governments may fail, but technology I believe can improve things for the better. There are many examples available online that illustrate how easy it is to receive high quality education with the help of technology. I have gone through the traditional path of private school in India and I don't want my brother to follow the same path. You can find more on what I am trying to say here

Mission statement?

I want to make steemit reachable to masses. There are more internet users in INDIA than the whole combined population of US. We just have to start a fire and it will spread very quickly and that will help both the platform and people. I see there are already many Indians on the platform. I have invited many here but most of my friends still haven't joined the platform. I tried to invite them all but they are in many ways slow to adapt and change, for the most part they tend to follow the same route school>Coaching>college>job. I think my visit to steemfest will open their eyes and then they will approach to me. Nobody replies to me now.

Specific goals?

The main goal is to meet those awesome people that helped me here. I want to thank them for their efforts and help. I want to meet and talk with them in person and not just not virtually. I also want to explore, hangout, engage and support the community by attending the steemfest.


Budget mainly include transport, Food, Hotel.


FireShot Capture 55 - SteemFest² Updates - Hotel(s) Booking _ - https___busy.org_steemfest_@roelan.png

  • It's the cheapest hotel of all of them it costs about 98$.
  • So a full 6 day of hotel will cost 581$


So I currently living at Chandigarh in north India the plane ticket round-trip is about 900$ . From Chandigarh to Lisbon.

Food (1).png



Good post, but why are staying in the hotel there is some trick to get a host for free

Well the management has selected three hotels for all the people coming there so We have to stay in one of them . Thank you for your interest. You can find out more on hotels here

Thanks for reply and plzz help me by visiting my blog

This comment has received a 0.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

This comment has received a 0.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

That's great post my friend and wish you all the best. I totally agree with you that our country poorest because here degree's not get by hardwork but get by money. Education people have no job and uneducated people get by spending money so now they learn or teach you generation in school so they also learn them this. Most of top seat are reserved and don't get chance to prove what they are and that is reason that people go to out of country.its sad thing but its true too.

Yes bhai that's true. Thank you for the support

Go @varunsangwan 🤘🏼
I agree with you, education is the key! Education and constant support.

Check out this story:

This guy was a carpenter from Uttarpradesh. He came to us wanting to learn music! We provided him with all the support and now he is employed with us, makes good money and does what he loves - Singing!
Right education can really change lives! ✨

Yep. Agreed!! bhai

Good luck, I have been in India and it is shocking how under developed it still is, even in the big cities. I agree that the main point needed is more education and to slow down the natality rate. At this rate in a few decades there will be more Indians than Chinese even. I have contributed with my upvote, and wish you the best of luck.

Exactly thank you brother for reading. I appreciate your comment

Great post!
Resteemed this is pure gold, thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for your concern

That education must of done something because this is very well written and i can tell you're an intellectual. Thanks for posting i learnt something new from reading this. Upvoted and followed

Thank you very much bro I am just a 17 year old guy tryin to help people.

You are only 17 and writing stuff like this, i'm sure you will do well in life. All the best

Great and motivational post for me . I really like this . Thanks for sharing with us. I am from pakistan but i really like your content sir. 👍

Glad to see pakistani people on board. Thank you very much for your attention

very very informative post for every steemians. upvote and resteem.

Beautiful context n beautiful content, glorious !

Haha Thanks for the appreciation

yeah welcome, and see my personal posts buddy, you will definitely follow me too!

Really informative post. I found it very interesting to read. You've gained yourself a new follower :)

great share best of luck.

thank you very much shaheer

Thank you for sharing your short story man .. I give my upvote for this :)

I hope you achieve your goals. :) Goodluck. :)

Thank you very much @beng05

Yes!!! I hope you get through and continue to fight the good fight!!:-) You have further enlightened me about India!

Thank you very much man. I hope that helps

Hey man, that's a really nice entry you got! Good luck to you!

Chandigarh City is close to my heart :)
Cool Post , well presented with clarity & honesty
Hope you manage to go for it
Upvoted & Resteemed my friend

Thank you very much. If you are Indian don't forget to join the india discord server.

Can you guide me on how to join ..

I hope you win buddy..

Thank you bhai

Thanks for sharing brother. I hope you are able to do it :)

Thank you bro much appreciated

hey there, i really hope you get there, i'm loving all the applications for the steemfest! :)

Yep it's nice to see other people's entries everyone is super good here

Hey man, you got my vote. I hope you will win and make it to Steemfest. Good luck!

Thank you very much Doremon

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Mr. Dark (varunsangwan) from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Great post my friend! You certainly will have my upvote today!! I will try to help support your work and your cause all that I can. I believe that great content is to be found all over steem and it is my mission to find it! If you would like I have a contest going right now where you could make 10 SBD plus some gauranteed upvoting. Come on over and check it out. I will post the link in this response as well.

Regardless, well written post!

The Last Sage

Nice work @varunsangwan i appreciated your post...thanks sharing it with other steemians...GOD BLESS YOU

Liked the way you presented the expenses. Hope you make it to Steem Fest. Upvoted.

What is the most money a comment can make, I'm new to this.. Just signed up today..