I suggest that these great creators should win a trip to SteemFest Krakow
Music / Performing arts 1: @ivan.atman
Music / Performing arts 2: @karensuestudios
Stand up Comedian / Spoken word: @jonny-clearwater
Art: @soyrosa
Please do not add me to this raffle, I cannot make it to Krakow this year.
Ja trenutno ne sviran live, bavin se drugin stvarima, ocu pomalo kasnije, ali da jesan sigurno bi iša, ali svejedno ti fala stari <3Thank you :) @whack.science I appreciate this ✌
<3 sad kad te izvuču, tribat češ :)
@whack.science Ić ću ako me izvuću na raffle za doc tamo, ali svirat necu, to cu tek pocet u 2 misec iduce godine, za sada iman druge stvari na pameti :)
I really appreciate you for entering my name in this amazing giveaway @whack.science! <3 <3 <3
Good luck :)
Thank you so much for the nomination! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Good luck :))