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RE: Stellabelle's Steemfest2 Entry: My Ideas To Transform Society- Raw And Uncensored

I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions of how Steemit can directly help your community. Hopefully, we can put some of these thoughts and ideas into action. Are you on Steemit.Chat? Or Discord?


Thank you for your feedback @lexikon082 my idea is to get people through their taste buds teaching them how they can produce food on small areas and cook deliciously tasty meals without harming other earthlings and destroying our planet. Urban or let's call it Guerilla Gardening to grow health organic food everywhere so people in need can use the fruits and veggies to eat healthy nutritious food again. With my blog here on Steemit I want to raise the means to cook plant based foods for kids here in the Philippines and distribute it for FREE. Also I want to rent spaces to grow veggies and fruits with the local communities and teach kids how it is done - to be able to share the stories with the fellow Steemit community and hopefully inspire other people to take a similar path and take action. That's also the reason why I share stories of heroes who work on ideas to change the world just like Steemit can change lives all over the world - we live in interesting times and we need to help each other find the right path of compassion and freedom for all Earthlings. I hope we can work together to change lives for the better all around the world. I send you vegan hugs your way brother and thank you for all you do - keep up the great work.

What if you offered free food from a garden in exchange for working in a garden? This way you can start to teach people how to garden in a sustainable way? If the plot was large enough, you could produce enough to give away AND sell at stands for space rental income. Or you could market the classes as "Free Gardening Classes That PAY YOU TO COME TO THEM". Then you could teach people how to garden and they would look forward to coming back because they would have to complete the class to be able to make it to the selling stage(if you wanted to do produce stand selling, this could help you gather funds to cook).

For the Space Renting. Would people lease you space if you agreed to give them a portion of the food produced on that space?

Trying to think of ways to produce money and get gardening space for possibly "free".

Thank you very much for your valuable input @lexikon082 but the people I had in mind don't have money to spend on anything else than their own family. So no way they would rent space. Of course they would get free food (veggies and fruits) in exchange for work, but I want also to teach kids that they don't need meat to have a nice meal. I want to reduce cruelty against animals in the same time I want to teach them how to plant and cultivate fresh organic fruits and veggies for themselves but also to sell to people who have the means. To raise money I wanted to use Steemit to raise funds from the community to allow me to rent areas where we can plant food for that cause. The people I am talking about they usually eat some rice with soysauce and they live in squatters. They are economic and social refugees in their own country but also people fleeing the war in the Southern Philippines leaving all their belongings behind to save their lives. It is a real crisis and they need help and support. I already go around and plant trees (Banana Trees) in local and urban areas where I find some soil that isn't in private hands so people can take the fruits for FREE but we need more. So I hope for upvotes here to get the funds necessary to rent and lease free lots and spaces. Thank you for your support you are an amazing Earthling

You must have misunderstood me. You mentioned needing money to rent space in your initial response. I was wondering if you could rent space to have a garden for "free" by agreeing to give a portion of the food produced on the leased space in exchange for "free" rent of the space used. This would allow you to acquire space for your gardens without the need for funds.

Then for the food produced (that is not used to pay your rent), you could use a portion to teach how to cook and a portion of it, you could sell to those who can afford it to have the ability to pay those who come to your classes as an incentive to get them to show up.

Good idea @lexikon082 I will try that approach as I believe it will take some time to make enough money here to finance those causes from funds coming out of the Steemit community. Thank you for your input and suggestions I will give it a try and see if this is something that could work. In the meantime I go out and plant fruits and veggies everywhere I find fertile soil in the city so people can find food to feed themselves. I still have a long way ahead and I am excited to get this done with your help and the help of the Steemit community. Thank you

You are welcome for the idea. It never hurts to ask anyone. The worst they can do is say "no". I look forward to seeing your project get off the ground.

Thank you so much for you valuable support and I hope we can continue to work together and help each other out