Introducing SteemFit - For A Balanced Life

in #steemfit8 years ago (edited)

If you’ve become a Steemit addict I already know you’re on your laptop/phone all day long. Then you might have a job or even run a business, where you again sit for hours and your brain needs to function at a high level.

Some days are better than others, on some days you feel good with a clear mind, but then on others you feel drained, lack energy, can't focus for long, which sets you in a bad mood and on top of that you get bad headaches and feel back pain.

When your body isn't feeling well, your mind isn't either and the other way around. The two are connected and I know this sounds obvious but it happens to the best of us, that you sometimes are so focused on your work life that you forget to take care of your health, your well-being, your inner peace and happiness. I remember times when I was working all day long and when my mom asked me what I had for breakfast I didn't remember.

I've always been a sports lover, started dance classes from an early age on and for 2 years go to the gym as often as possible to workout and take some yoga classes as well as love to eat healthy. However there are times when your time seems more limited and you start to loose a healthy balance between 


The daily feeding of all three areas is essential in order to maintain a happy and healthy life and the key to achieve a good balance lays in the time-management of your daily routine. I found out that a lot of people struggle with efficiency and a balanced life, which is why I decided to create:


Optimum health requires the mind, physical body and spirit to be in balance.

SteemFit is focused on taking care of your health, your well-being and a concept for busy people with limited time. SteemFit stands for a balanced health and working life. 

While you still may think you're busy enough as it is, the truth is that if you put more importance on your health, your business life will actually benefit. Always remember you have more energy to complete the tasks that are required of you on a daily basis and you feel happier, so you can stay motivated throughout each day and enjoy the life you work for

The benefits of a healthy active balanced lifestyle:

  • Increased Energy
  • Better Mood
  • Better Sleep
  • Reduced Stress
  • Positive Self-Esteem
  • Being More Productive & Efficient
  • Living a Longer, Healthier & Happier Life

For most people the problem however is not lack of knowledge. You know that a healthy active balanced lifestyle will benefit you, but when asking friends and clients why they don't change it, the answer for the most part was the same:


Ok well at least we now know the problem, so let's get to the solution...

The problem is not time, but time-management. When you're working towards a goal in your work-life that's fine, it's great to have a focus, BUT never give up an entire area, for another. For some reason people tend to think, that if they have to choose to go one way, like this:


If you want to be successful in any area of life, BALANCE is the key. 

Your daily routine needs serious improvement, IF you daily routine (yes every day) does not include 

all of the areas:

- Body: exercise/physical activity, and healthy nutrition

- Mind: Increase your mental agility, read, challenge yourself

- Spirit: Relax/ recharge your energy, meditate

There is no wealth, without health! 

the activities you do, meals you eat, time you split can differ from one person to another, but fact is that you need a healthy balanced lifestyle if you want to be able to function 100% for as long as possible.

As any great change doesn't happen overnight, not only patience but also dedication is required and for that reason I've particularly created SteemFit, because I know that the hardest part and most important one as well is to stay on track for as long as possible, until it becomes a habit and eventually a lifestyle. I tried to make this concept as easy as possible to follow and again as efficient as it can get.


If you still feel like you don’t have the time to devote to your health..

Here is some of the content for "SteemFit", an intensive effective time-management course that fits in your busy work schedule:

1. Quick and easy healthy nutrition (10 minutes)

2. Quick at home energy boost workouts (10-20 minutes)

3. Brain training (10 minutes)

4. Start your day right - (5 minutes) morning yoga

5. End your day right - schedule, reflect, mind clearing (15 minutes)

Each post of the SteemFit series is to help you achieve a balanced life and focuses on personal development. I am no licensed coach, but offer to help you personally improve your balanced life.

The minutes I wrote down are the absolute MINIMUM of what you need to make time for on a consistent daily base. I made this to demonstrate that even on the busiest day, you can feed all the areas you need for a healthy lifestyle, in under an hour. 

Now what is your excuse?

- Mrs.Steemit

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Very good!
Many people who spend lots of time online really need this kind of info and encouragement to be more physically active.

Are you into Primal/Paleo?
I have been for about five years, and it's been great for me. Here's my latest post about my experiences:
How I stay even more fit than before while working out less, by living Primal

Thanks for this! As a writer - and especially if I'm in the zone - it's easy to find I've sat all day and not moved nearly enough. At this point, I've taken to setting an alarm to remind me to get up and go to the gym, do a Luminosity training, get outside and enjoy the fresh air... you know, normal human stuff! Got to take care of the whole person, and we're worth intentional care rather than settling for scraps of attention. Thank you for the reminder!

Awesome!it is so important to do that and setting an Alarm is a great additional help. Thanks :)

Your picture is so badass! And I definitely need time management help. Thank you for doing this. It's actually invaluable and I wish I could upvote more than once, but know that you are doing something really great!

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it :)

all great ideas. I'm going to print these out and put them where I can see them constantly.

Awesome! I love to visualize everything as well. Thank you :)

yeah you are totally right, I,m going for a swim !! ; - )

Do it! 👍🏼😊

Love the way how you help others to manage their daily routine to live a healthier lifestyle! Exited for the next post <3

thanks, I'm glad you do <3

Definitely gonna follow your healthy lifestyle tips. Thank you!

Great, happy to see you on board :)

I loved these tips and some i already do but some I could definitely incorporate into my day a bit better.

Yes a lot of it is common sense, but a constant reminder of why we do it keeps up the motivation, for me at least. I'm glad you enjoyed the read :)