I personally think more services like this need to be available !
I hope you dont mind me asking if i can make a post with a number of different services like this in one list .
It would help other people find you, and possibly help you collaborate with other services to help people .
Let me know what you think - i have others looking for other services too
But this one is very interesting !
Absolutely! That would be huge. Thanks for the support!
one little thing ; i dont see one for Canada ?
Perhaps something should be done about that ? ^.~
And if i could get some help obtaining information about other services through steemit that would help me produce the post much quicker .
#steemfleamarket-canada is up and ready to serve you!
Thank you for your contribution @endymionoriax, you will be rewarded at the end of our 7 day period. Flea on!
You can follow the easy guide to setting up your shop here
Looking forward to your listings!