SteemFollower is an amazing way to add value to your Steemit accounts, and reward yourself for each vote you place. And yes, there is real value to be had here.

I'm not sure if there's a better endorsement than that! I just hope I don't get yelled at for giving up the secret.
Unfortunately, owing perhaps to the very "Beta" graphic design, I still see far fewer users using it than they should! I hope I can convince a few of you with this post (and if I do, by all means, use my referral link from my signature for a points bonus.)
SteemFollower is a simple concept. Vote someone any amount, let's say 1 SBD, and you get 1 SBD worth of points out of that person's pool, let's call that 100 points. So, the more you vote on others without receiving votes in return, the larger your pool of points becomes.
That system alone is excellent at rewarding generosity, but Steemfollower goes further. To ensure that the most generous users are the first to be rewarded back, the "Trending" pages on SteemFollower are ranked by points, not on pending reward.

These users are raking in value everyday as their posts are seen by thousands more users on every single page load. You can only have one post visible on SF at a time (no need to submit, it's automatic), so high-point users are not able to clog the Trending.
Of course, another option that I showed above, is to sell your points. You can buy points on the internal market either to receive upvotes or to promote your posts passively by increasing your ranking in trending. SBD payments for points go directly to the buyer's Steemit account, thanks to @Mahidyari's work on the marketplace bot.

One final way to use points is to turn on post promotion, which burns double points when you receive a vote but stickies your post to the top of Trending (much more useful than Promoted on Steemit, which is actually a separate section.) This is very difficult to abuse due to the natural point drain from receiving votes - only the most generous users with large votes can regularly populate the promotion spots.

SteemFollower has recently been streamlined and improved in both end-user quality, and the quality it adds to the blockchain. The "Follower" side of the platform has been completely removed, after @Mahidyari determined it wasn't adding value for enough users. I agree with the decisions and I'm glad I don't feel obligated to look through it every day!

So, what's the catch? Well, Steemfollower requires you to vote 5 times per day through Steemfollower to have your posts visible, so there's that. However, 1% votes are OK. You need a non-zero point amount to be seen on SF anyway, so this restriction is not really an issue. Plus, this avoids the need to manually submit your posts to SF - your most recently posted (or edited) post is automatically the one shown.
The only real drawback to Steemfollower is you are dealing with a more Beta interface than Steemit, and therefore there is far less content. You have to dig for good posts sometimes. I keep a list of favorite authors that makes this a lot easier, and thankfully Steemfollower remembers your searches in the auto-complete. Steemfollower continues to add new categories to help, and the more users who enroll the less of a problem this will be.
Security is handled by SteemConnect, so there are no worries about giving up keys. You set your own market password.
Steemfollower is one reason I have to keep my auto-voter percentages so low (in case any of you were wondering, the other is I have 150+ authors on it...) I do most of my curation, manually, through SF! If you're on my voter, and you join SF, let me know in the comments or on Discord, and I'll add you to my voting list (I won't see your posts if my auto-voter is still on for them!)
If you have more questions, bug @reko, he's a nicer guy than I am.
If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

We also have a Radio Station! (click me)
...and a 5000+ active user Discord Chat Server! (click me)

Sources: @mahdiyari
Copyright: SteemFollower, Google, CNN, Shutterstock, Aggroed for the moped joke "retread"
I did this when I first saw your post and upvoted about 10 posts for 1% each. Now I have many more votes than that coming in! Almost immediate result!!!!!!
Wow. I'm going to upvote my 35 posts a day at 2% forevermore and you have my sincere thank you for this tip. Steemit is blowing my mind by the hour right now.
@fitinfun I'm so glad to see your endorsement. Not that I needed it of course for trust; after all @lexiconical is my Witness proxy ;+).
I just needed an assuredness that it's simple.
Halfway through @lexiconical's post, I started wishing for an @flauwy or @jerrybanfield step-by-step visual (lol).
Thanks for chiming in!
lol - we all have our talents! It is really that simple and gets results! What a miracle this place is.
Truth! (lol)
Indeed, a true Godsend! I have, and continue to learn so much about crypto; and, overall investing...not to mention the family-vibe of the community.
Step-by-steps aren't typically my bread-and-butter, but we could certainly pester Jerry about it!
Thanks for your confirmation of the process. It's really as easy as using SteemConnect to login, then you're off and voting.
You'll really see the votes come in. You can also track it in your SF account. It'll show you how many you received that day and a variety of other stats.
Oh good - I will take a look. I'm so happy to have this :)
Are you still using SF and seeing positive results?
Thanks for this post @lexiconical. I was so glad to see your name in my feed! It's been a minute. I knew you were still with STEEM, as I've seen your name on Discord and @utopian.io to name a few!
I will take a few notes and give this win-win a try. It really helps to see those who are participants giving it 2-thumbs up; not to mention, you're an avid supporter.
This sounds like a great defense against rogue up-vote bots.
Aha! Perhaps, this helps explain why you've been uploading fewer posts. :+) I am so thankful to know that you have a special someone to share the season with...and, perhaps forever more...ha ha!
Now, to get out of your business (lol); and, back in my lane...While I have your attention, I'd like to be sure that you have @utopian.io on my Witness list.
Best regards!
I added a vote for Utopian some time ago.
As for my gf, she's been around voting on all of you guys for months. No doubt you've gotten some from her. Those were her points sales I posted up above from when she votes through SF. (She's a mini-whale, as I convinced her to go in on Steem as well. Mostly she only votes on SF and the comments of my blog.)
I've known her since before Steem. My absence was related to a variety of other factors, including being ridiculously busy in "meatspace".
Good news...I was pretty sure since I saw your name on @utopian.io lists; but, just wanted to be 100%.
How cool! Then, I won't say too much about the knee-drop linked to the famous line, and the save-the-date shout-outs...lol...
... when love crosses your path, it's time to seal the deal! (Getting back in my lane now) ;+)
Yes, sometimes we're reminded there's a world outside of virtual.
Best regards!
Registered and first 5 manual votes done :)
I hope you've seen the results you hoped for. Mahidyari works continuously to improve SF.
It’s great - kind of how I imagine Steemit was 12 months ago - smaller, less functional, more basic...
I will head there now to upvote this
PS - I guess you have given up the secret now...
Ah, well, it helps everyone if more of us use it!
Glad to see you here in the comments.
Very true
I need to ensure that my points balance there stays high enough for visibility, so not selling on the market atm.
Only time for the occasional post now, which means I can easily build up the balance
"I need to ensure that my points balance there stays high enough for visibility,"
I really like that this built in use for points keeps them valuable on the market.
Excellent informative post buddy. I have been using SF since inception and must confess that it is an excellent platform to support your posts. Even if u are low of voting power and dont want to upvote others posts, you have the option to purchase points which i do very often from your girl friend :-) .
Regards Nainaz
I'm glad to see you here, and I know she appreciates your purchases!
We've enjoyed your posts as well. They are a bright spot in the SF landscape.
Wow, there are always new things to learn about steemit, thanks for posting this, it should be really helpful! I'll try and get on there later tonight. How are they able to add so much value, just from voting on steemfollower? maybe I missed something reading
SteemFollower just creates and adds the points to your account for voting. The market sets what those are worth. It's much like Steem in that regard, actually.
The end result is a bounty created from "nothing", valued only by the whims of the market. There are no guarantees in life, or markets, but there is real demand for points as you can see above.
Thanks @lexiconical! I did not even know that steemfollower existed, but just registered at SF (used your referral).
I hope you find it useful! You'll see votes come in immediately once you vote 5 times.
Discord channel! :)
Great job shining a light on this hidden gem @lexiconical Welcome to bug be at any time...catch me here or at my
Yeah mean I have be en using steemfollower this past few days
It’s a shame they removed the follower service because I think that was very important, even the name of the page says follower not votes.
Yes, but unfortunately, people often thought it constituted a follow-4-follow scheme. Removing it will likely help adoption.
It was also flooded with, admittedly, a ton of low quality accounts...much like Steemit itself.
Yes I agree with you completely and I have a period and I use this site

The fact is a great site to earn more profits
But I am puzzled that the number of people registered is 7590
I think it deserves more attention
That's actually not bad, we were in the 5000s a month or two ago.
Using SF is a no brainer. Everyone Wins, Nobody Loses. That Simple!
As I said in another comment, it reminds me very much of Steem in that regard. Designed to be a proverbial Horn of Plenty.
Excellent! You covered some of the more nuanced features which others haven't examined. But I STILL don't quite get how the prices on the market work. I would love to see a CLEAR explanation on that.
The market decide the prices. It's ranked with the best deals on top and everyone decides what price and amount they want to sell / buy for if that makes sense! :)
Yes, thanks. Now it makes a little bit MORE "less sense". how about someone just develops a "decoder widget" which pumps out a more simple price value so I can buy on the market with confidence? And @reko-suave, when are you going to produce that post about effective Steemfollower marketing techniques, which I suggested???
Take note that Reko won't have gotten your tag notification here, since that doesn't match his account name.
The prices on the market are a bit clumsy, but since they are easily ordered by lowest price per point, I doubt anyone is going to sink time into creating such a pricing widget.
Haha! Yeah, I know. I assumed @reko would see the above post naturally, and wasn't trying to actually tag him. Since making the above comment I started using @reko suave instead. Then I had a little run in with that "Nazi-in-training-wheels", @valorforfreedom who ran me through the wringer for tagging him in the comments of one of his own posts, even going as far as to use my comment as an "example" in one of his videos, as an example to others of what happens when you break one of his MULTITUDE of Nazi-esque "rules". So I am still hesitant to use tags since then. Hopefully I will be able to get over that trauma someday.. Thanks for the info on the points though. It does appear that the SF market is offline for "a while". Any idea on when that might be back up and running?
might take a while, will keep you updated @transcript-junky! :)
Wow, that is an unusual story. I like that his content is different, but that seems rather silly. I wonder if he will come here to protest as well!
Probably not. He's made it clear that "hates all people", and thus I - and anyone else who unnowinglly "breaks his rules" is merely a "throwaway" who he mutes, etc. It's funny, because before that incident I had had several good interactions with him before he BITCHED OUT. Well, since he only has FOUR people remaining in his "Berserkers" group, and takes pride in throwing people out of it, it should be interesting to see what kind of success he has here. I personally have an issue with people who "hate all people", as opposed to "hating the mass of sheep BUT liking the people who are important". As @valorforfreedom seems to be convinced that he will achieive success on Steemit so that he can move into the forest, it should be interesting to see how enjoyable his life will be once he achieves that with FEW to ZERO friends to keep him warm around the campfire. I DO hope he finds some contentment though.
Yep, pure supply and demand, as Reko noted below.
Are you manually voting five time a day on steemfollower? What happens if you miss a day? I'm not on steemit everyday.
Yep, I am manually voting. If you miss a day, your posts aren't visible on SF that day until you vote 5 times again. I don't think there is any other "penalty".
Okay, cool.
Found this post on SF, in fact! I appreciate the tool, as it has definitely helped pump up my numbers and get my art more visible to others. Thank you for the added breakdown!
Ah, well, that's a bit ironic then.
I'm new to all this so it got kinda little confusing half way through. But from what it seems this is very cool. I will definitely check this out later tonight.
Much like everything in crypto, it's all a little user-un-friendly at first, but then it makes you a lot of money!
Very well put. Gonna make this my new life motto. Lol
I look forward to when we can get past this phase. Onboarding new users to crypto is a mess.
I'm new here, and I'm learning the things I have to do, to do it in the right way. Thank you for this information. And please add me to your voter list. Thank you!
I will keep an eye out for your posts. Forgive the late reply.
pretty slick I will admit I joined steem follower some time ago messed around with it for a bit but never dug into it. However this post is really making me reconsider it now.
It's definitely worth using, if you are willing to take the extra time to vote there 5x per day. It can be tough to locate 10 solid posts for 10 votes a day, unless you check back throughout the day.
Who are we voting on? Are you referring to manual curation under the Services tab? When I vote for someone there, it only seems to increase my points. So is the idea to buy points and sell them at a higher price?
Yep, manual curation is the section you want.
You are voting on anyone else's posts who has signed up with Steem Followers and voted through the interface 5x that day.
You will receive votes in return on your most recent post, passively, simply by having points and voting 5x a day. You can sell the points if you prefer, or buy more, via the market tab.
i used steemfollower for the first month on steemit... i haven't seen so much rewards...
The amount of rewards are dependent on the size of your Steem Power stake.
¿Es un registro aparte de steemit?
Steemfollower uses Steemconnect, so you don't need to register, simply log-in via Steem-connect (which is secure).
Good Point Imma Use This Info,
I will give it a try.
Did you ever give SF a try? It's particularly helpful at low rep levels like yours.
This post has received gratitude of 2.24 % from @appreciator thanks to: @lexiconical.
This is great. I am new i think it is best for me to raise in steemit.I think it will be helpful for me.
Have you given it a try? Any results to report?
You got a 9.78% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @lexiconical!
Thank you @lexiconical for promoting this post together with https://steemit.com/budget/@jerrybanfield/introducing-steem-budget-proposals
You got a 36.02% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @lexiconical!
For more information, click here!!!!
Send minimum 0.050 SBD to bid for votes.
The Minnowhelper team is still looking for investors (Minimum 10 SP), if you are interested in this, read the conditions of how to invest click here!!!
ROI Calculator for Investors click here!!!This post has received a 39.57 % upvote from
@lexiconical Great post :) You got yourself a new follower. Best wishes and Steem on! - @splendorhub
This post has received a 21.30 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @lexiconical.
This post has received a 29.78 % upvote, thanks to: @lexiconical.
16.98% @pushup from @lexiconical
A very great publication and a great effort that merits further voting
Happy to try my way here
Greetings to you
What about this "merits further voting"?
Have you tried SF yet?
This post has received a 11.28 % upvote from @upmyvote thanks to: @lexiconical. Send at least 1 SBD to @upmyvote with a post link in the memo field to promote a post! Sorry, we can't upvote comments.
This post has received a 0.56 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @lexiconical. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.
Steem WitnessTo support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a
STEEM WitnessYou got a 2.28% upvote from @upme requested by: @lexiconical. Send at least 1.5 SBD to @upme with a post link in the memo field to receive upvote next round. To support our activity, please vote for my master @suggeelson, as a
I already joined SF and I am an active voter.. Originally I had heard about this application, but I really had not understood it at all. Thanks for clarifying many things.
I'm glad you found my summary helpful. The only notable restriction is the need to vote 5x per day through SF, at any voting power.