How Many of u Know About the Price of Neo it is Around 0.12$ in March 2017.I am Serious But Now u Look At Neo it Was Around 120$.Recently it has Crashed a Bit when Btc Suffered Massive Crash due to FUD(Fear Uncertanity Doubt).This Was Created by Media of India,China,Korea.
Fine Now Look at Neo Price Prediction.Neo is Around 130$ today it has Fallen to 85$ and now it is Stable at 150$.Neo is Heading Towards its all time high of 150$ and is Expected to reach 300$ in august and 450$ in December.
Looking at Daily Charts Neo May Touch 150$ in Feb.Every Thing Looks Good For Neo.Just go Back And Think How Many of U missed Neo.Good Projects Never Fails.
@saikr Waiting For Ur Comments Let Me Know Ur FeebBack
Neo's value will increase further.
Profitable post you have shared with us. Thanks for sharing your research.
good post
@saikr thanks for sharing useful information