
How could be there no food when there wasn't anybody who could have picked them up? Also, you came from the mid-right side, while I came from the top-left corner like 25-30 seconds earlier, was hiding in the left corner for like 15-20 seconds. Most of the food already respawned from the left (what you couldn't even see since you came from the mid-right), so I don't really understand how this is possible. Well honestly, I start to understand it now.

I saw you going left. I went down because i was split up and on top of me was toni. So ran from him. And at bottom left was almost no food thats why i kept going down. Also im still kinda interested why are you lying about it.

Your move was suspicious(again) so I was interested in how did you do it. 3 comments with 2 different explanations. First, you say there was no food AHEAD of you (which simply cannot be true, especially if you ran from toni as you said, because that means he couldn't pick those up either). As I said there was plenty of food around me from every side. Now you say there was no food on the left, and also that you saw me. By the way, where did I lie in my comments? :D