Number of players in match: 17
-#- aleksandar.vasic
-#- mikebze
-#- gregory-f
-#- bipul
-#- erhanulusoy
-#- mchandra
-#- niallon11
-#- noobster
-#- immanuel94
-#- mindtrap
-#- myfreebtc
-#- funflam
-#- tzap90
-#- sumanthp
-#- hatemmkh
-#- sunendra
-#- tiger-zaps
Total amount of kills in match: 13
-#- bipul killed sunendra
-#- mchandra killed tiger-zaps
-#- niallon11 killed sunendra
-#- mchandra killed sunendra
-#- noobster killed hatemmkh
-#- noobster killed funflam
-#- bipul killed hatemmkh
-#- tiger-zaps killed tzap90
-#- sunendra killed tzap90
-#- immanuel94 killed tzap90
-#- mchandra killed hatemmkh
-#- funflam killed erhanulusoy
-#- noobster killed funflam
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