Number of players in match: 18
cnandofer charitybot turksays hawk399 noobster cryptocurrency24 iceweex gortonius marioborgez a-oki suntree myfreebtc napkin hatemmkh tiger-zaps cemke jongartv sumanthp Total amount of kills in match: 31
charitybot killed cemke myfreebtc killed sumanthp noobster killed hatemmkh sumanthp killed jongartv cemke killed tiger-zaps charitybot killed cemke charitybot killed tiger-zaps sumanthp killed hatemmkh cnandofer killed napkin noobster killed napkin iceweex killed tiger-zaps turksays killed myfreebtc cnandofer killed suntree myfreebtc killed suntree iceweex killed cemke tiger-zaps killed sumanthp tiger-zaps killed hatemmkh charitybot killed cryptocurrency24 jongartv killed a-oki tiger-zaps killed napkin noobster killed a-oki myfreebtc killed marioborgez turksays killed a-oki cnandofer killed marioborgez charitybot killed marioborgez cnandofer killed gortonius marioborgez killed suntree charitybot killed gortonius cnandofer killed iceweex a-oki killed iceweex sumanthp killed gortonius