Number of players in match: 17
marcinszwede mindtrap myfreebtc mchandra cryptosenpai artcreator retardgamer-live gamingchimp jongartv adminbot bipul hatemmkh jawad09 hawk399 cemke trenditcentral sumanthp Total amount of kills in match: 21
hawk399 killed trenditcentral myfreebtc killed sumanthp hatemmkh killed trenditcentral hatemmkh killed cemke myfreebtc killed hawk399 gamingchimp killed trenditcentral retardgamer-live killed jawad09 cryptosenpai killed jawad09 gamingchimp killed hatemmkh gamingchimp killed jongartv cemke killed adminbot mchandra killed bipul mchandra killed adminbot hatemmkh killed jongartv jongartv killed sumanthp cryptosenpai killed gamingchimp myfreebtc killed retardgamer-live hawk399 killed bipul mindtrap killed adminbot adminbot killed artcreator mchandra killed artcreator