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RE: Need Animator to create simple Fivver style infographic animation to explain Steem Blockchain, how Witnesses sign blocks & create steem for reward pool to allow those who get Upvotes to make money, how Graphene DPOS works, Explain staking to normies etc

in #steemgigs7 years ago (edited)

yes i honestly a happy to see submissions and will upvote everyone who tries, and I can basically guarantee some bigger upvotes from people who deliver quality, the days of getting paid before actually completion work are over, artists must learn to do things and THEN get paid, and also they just learn to do work for free and expect to not get paid directly but get paid by upvote

If the work is good I will give SBD but only if they havent already gotten some big upvotes

I am just doing this before I go on fivverI will only pay in SBD if I cannot find anyoen who wants to make a submission on there own, I bet @web-gnar will make osmething col and I e will end up getting the SBD

This is just a favor to steem, I could just go to fivver but I'm giivng steem week or two to make stuff before I go and just pay n experienced animator to do the job, and over there I'm garunteed more or lesto get what I pay for , on time, not like here where its like , who knows we need steemgigs to have its own front end like fivver, and I KNOW its coing one dya, just not ready yet, or aybe its close and I don't know! I hope so! I cou see a nice steemgigs in the future that is like fivver where youget a playlstof past works of different artsts iek a dtube demo reel that shows all the work the artist has done and competed for other clinets WOOO it coule be so nice!

I feel myself having to be more harsh with more people on steem but I feel like I can see too many of us slipping into laziness and collectivism and I want to avoid that, I see too many people resting n laurels, including myself I must work harder and go out and find new investors new patrons new clients I must find new big whales to come into steem and invest, I need to make VIDEOS for steem and CONVINCE reddit and instagram users to come to steem!

We need to systematical go through all the top socialmedia influencers send emails and make offers to bring them to steemit and make posts bout how we are raising money to pay this or that social media star to come to steem I bet it can work

There are too many people here who would gladly do this project for free JUSt for the promise of having me upvote restem and promoe their post to my whale frinds, because if they doa good job they could EASILY get $60 in Upvote money from my cnnections, but it HAS to be good, and I know of WAY to many Interns and young people who would LOVE this chance to make something to give them a chance to get a paid job! If they do a god enough job with this short video aniation I could actually post the video, make money with it, PAY them when the video makes me money, and make even MORE videos

If I see someone who drops a REALLy ncie Demo Reel in the comments so I can just click and play and they look professional and can give me a mockup, I wil pay them some SBD, but I can just go on fivver! So it should be super cheap! And we should be making money off its upload to dtube and post rewards

Bu yeah if they are new I wil post it too and I will split the Post Rewards I make off it because some people wouldn't make very much unelss I actually posted itf or them, we will find something fair, onestly I need people to step up and shwo what srt of artists they are, o work for steem, t work for the promise of getting upvtes, plenty of graphic designers would LOVE to do this for FREE just to get followers on stee,m ts worth a lOT of money! This is a HUGE opportunity to REALLY make a STUNING aniation .... If its good enuf the aniator will get hooked up with A LOT of high paying work!

Sorry if i sound upset im just a li mad at how many people around me are always trying to get stuff for free or get paid for work they havet done etc but nothing to do with anyone on this blog

I just wish people I have invested in would work harder on steem and make more videos etc etc but I also need to make more videos etc , but its so hard to find god workers who will actually work on thir own for 8 hours a day, no one seems to want to even have a fulltime job

But maybe that's cuz I'm looking in the wrong place a steemians ll know how uch they canamke so everyone on steem is just too smat to take a job whe they know they can work for themselves :D

sorry for the typos just frustrated that itsso hard to find hard wrking employes online hah but wjat should I expect! I gotta find people who want to actually want to work for a chnce to get a riase I gues I need people who will check in everyday on d isxord with me and wrk 8 hours a dy or just check in 8 hours anytime of the dy, they don't ave to get up at any certain time I just need people to do a certain amount of work everyday promting teem nd making steemit posts bout it for me