I only saw 4 image names, if you have the 5th , hire me and lets do it. .
I am a professional graphic designer. All the images are sourced from free / open stock photo sites. I work quick and can provide you with a few other sized versions for other platforms as well.
Square images are best for Facebook they look good on Moble phones.
1. Nibbana
2. Enlightenment
3. Self-realization
4. Faith
Thank you and I hope you hire me.
Wow @jacuzzi!
You did a really good job. I am going to hire you for this and I will pay the 10 SBD, it's worth it.
I am interested in getting other sizes for different social media platforms and you can give me recommendations about which ones you think I should get (I will post a new job for this one on SteemGigs after you give me more information about which social media platforms I should market on - hopefully you can use the same photographs).
I would like to make some changes to the words you used on the bottom of some of the images and I will share that soon. I will also give you the 5th word but let me put it all together in a good comment first.
Most of my audience will be Christian since that is my original background before I discovered more. Can you change the bottom picture to a picture that is a little more hinted toward Christianity with a photo of a child praying but not with his face on the ground? Please make sure it doesn't appear too religious or too extreme since I believe in the concept of faith but not some of the other things taught by most Pastors and churches from mainstream Christianity.
In addition to that, I am also interested in hiring you to create a simple business card with one side for me, and the other side for my wife.
I will create a separate Gig on SteemGigs for the business card too. Many, many thanks @jacuzzi 😊👍
Good day Friend.
WOOT Thanks!
Are you on Discord? If so I am under " jacuzzi " on that platform or on Skype at " greathief " as well.
Or, please send me an email at [email protected]. We can sort out the details that way. :D
Thank you for picking me, lets get you some great materials.
I'm on Discord: @jacuzzi
P.S. You forgot to include the hashtag found in your username.
Ok, Just added you on Discord.