And..... back to Vietmeme! #steemhostiletakeover

We're going into week 2 of the #steemhostiletakeover. I was going to start my meme war yesterday, but decided extending an olive branch on the day both huobi and binance did a full powerdown would be a good chance to give the man a least one out of the situation. It can be hard to back down when there's so many angry people shouting at you. I'm going to continue extending my offer to help him get out of the mess he, ned, and the exchanges created. I'm a reasonable human being and will help him navigate backing out and making amends for the damage he's caused (and the laws he's likely broken). This is an important part of SAVING STEEM!

That said. I don't condone holding the steem governance hostage or making demands while he's doing it.

Two town halls ago I asked for people to help construct some meme templates. My goal wasn't to figure out every good meme that should be written about this "fiasco" but I wanted to make sure there are ample templates that Steemians can use to help highlight the situation.

I present user created templates below. Thank you to the audience for your work and I can't wait to see the creative potential of Steemians unlocked into the twitter sphere to take our case to the general public.


comical is good
toxic is bad

Poloniex, huobi, and binance colluded with Ned and Justin. We need to keep the pressure on them. They post things daily to help stay relevant. It would be helpful to all of their readers to know that they facilitated the steemhostiletakeover and their actions allowed the ONGOING hostile takeover. Despite having taken 2 steps (stop voting and powerdown) to withdraw from the conflict they're still responsible that we're in this mess and into our second week of it.

We're looking to keep the hearts and minds of the cryptosphere thinking about this so that there continues to be pressure on Justin, the exchanges, and Ned to stand down and stop holding our governance hostage.

Anyway, there's some good things in here you can use to spice up your posts. Should be fun!
























Does this mean you will continue to work with him and Roy to present documents behind the witnesses backs to exchanges? Is that the “giving him an out” you’re discussing?

As it’s hard to keep track with all your back and forth flip flopping and public statements painting yourself as a victim in an attempt to gather support.

I mean.. on one hand you are actually taking orders from him, and on the other working to file a class action lawsuit against him.. is your ego so huge that you actually think you will win that game? Because I’ve seen you do it before.. and it ended up just hurting the community, like I assume this will as well.

@justineh could you elaborate further this for us who don't know the situation?
What kind of documents to the exchanges? Got any link on this?

I am trying to find my way around in all of this but it seems like people are splitting up their opinions.

I was in direct contact with Binance on behalf of the group of consensus witnesses. An old contact from last year that popped up in the current situation. It was a telegram group with myself, this person from binance and one other who I won’t mention as they have stated they are under a NDA.

Randomly a document was dropped on behalf of the witnesses, one I had not seen. I asked where it came from and was told it was sent from Aggroed.

I went to the chat with the witnesses to ensure this had consensus as I had not seen it, it was discovered some had not seen it and those that had had not agreed for it to be shared or sent to Binance.

When asked Aggroed stated he had no idea and stated Roy must of “cherry picked” the document and leaked it.. I explained how that was not true as I was told where it came from. He would not answer any further questions from the group.

The google doc showed history and suggestions made from Roy, of what needed to be added or removed.. written on behalf of the witnesses to “make an agreement” with the exchange. This document also showed history of Justin reviewing it as well.

The agreement itself was not bad, power down, don’t vote (which was already being worked through with Binance and therefore there was no need for this document) as well as asking for donation to the SPS if I remember correctly and then a bunch of promises of what the witnesses would and would not do.

Quite frankly I wasn’t sure this needed to go public, but this BS game and playing victim to the community is getting old. There is a reason he is losing witness support, and it’s not because he’s just a nice guy trying to save his home.. his ego makes him think he is the only one able to do anything so he makes back door deals that undermine the effort and end up hurting the community, just like he did with the foundation.

I’m done letting his manipulative ways go unquestioned.

Ohhhhh ... now I see why you're in the private chat. And here I thought your looks got you in. #respect


The palnet motto is do no harm, but take no shit. Helping Justin figure out a pathway out so that the steem blockchain, my home, isn't bulldozed by him is good. Fighting him tooth and nail no matter what and really entrenching him in his position is bad. If he's continuing to double and triple down then making his life difficult is the right path, but there needs to be a way for him to say "ok ok, I quit!"

To me it's a bit like playing the game mercy where you're extending as much pressure as they can take to get them to say "Mercy." At that point you don't continue to break their wrist. You let up. You don't let up until they say Mercy. I let up for a day because to me it looks like he lost both his allies. The rest of this is just a slow motion train wreck for Tron and the colluding exchanges.

Talking to him and guiding him to backing down is part of doing no harm. Setting up a vietmeme is part of taking no shit.

I understand how it can look confusing to people who don't hold that attitude, or potentially want something different than saving Steem. I can see how it looks like playing both sides. I'm trying to stay a moderate with Justin so he can quit, while also rousing a defense to my home so he's encouraged to quit. Both of those are geared towards saving steem.

I actually don’t hold an attitude where I’m not not willing to work towards a solution, but I do hold an attitude where I won’t work to undermine a whole community to get what I want or be seen as the hero. I understand how that can be confusing to those who don’t hold that same position.

Many are working to save the Steem community, only a few are so desperate that they will actual make back door deals to ensure they “win” somehow.

How exactly was he undermining "the whole community"?

While we are on the subject of backdoor deals and undermining the community, that sounds awfully similar to a select group of witnesses all colluding in order to launch a soft fork, a soft fork that started all of this garbage.

Get a trustless agreement set up for Justin Sun where there is a trustless guarantee that his stake will not be frozen and the witness stalemate ends.

Why are you trolling me exactly? If you don’t know the situation and how it affected the community, why are you arguing with me about it?

And you mean community selected witnesses who made a decision based on the information they had? Those witnesses who have been elected by stake holders to do just that? Yeah see.. you seem to be missing the basics of how things work here.

His stake isn’t frozen, and there is no reason for the witnesses to guarantee anything. They can choose to run whatever code they feel is best for the chain and the community can show support or distaste for it with their votes, that’s how this system works.

I had the same thougth about the softfork (in which started this whole mess).

Says someone with 60 STEEM stake! LOL.

The size of one's stake doesn't make their point any less correct.

In a DPOS blockchain it does! Especially it shows, that you have no skin in the game. Not to mention you have 5 follower, spam posts (about random countries) and no following.

I understand how it can look confusing to people who don't hold that attitude, or potentially want something different than saving Steem.

Below are some helpful writing tips for future correspondence and business dealings. I can understand if you don't use them, because you might potentially want to remain a hypocrite.

Fuck, that sentence is so cringy and manipulative.

There are members of the community who see value, even now, in discussing an out without a chain split. Really though, the chances seem so very slim, even from the ‘outside’, where so many of us feel we are.

I don't think yous are going to win a legal battle with Justin Sun. Yous forked his millions in investment first ...... sure there's likely some consequences that can be held to Justin Sun and/or the exchanges but that doesn't absolved yous of messing with millions of dollars worth of STEEM he purchased with his own funds.

I see allot of finger pointing going on but not much acceptance from the witnesses that they should have never forked Justin Sun stake. There's more people to blame here other then Justin Sun. ... Some accountabilty needs to be taken in by everyone on all sides of this mess.

There's too much against yous in regards to the mined stake.

(1) Yous left it in play for years without forking
(2) Others have mined stake that wasn't softforked
(3) The disclaimer in the Steemit Wallet
(4) No legal document in place to prove the Steemit Inc. stake isn't private
(5) The ninja mined stake owned by others that aren't Steemit INC. has been used and is continued to be used to vote in "real" witnesses.

Not too mention the timing of the fork. Justin Sun stake was forked just days after the AMA / shortly after the official announcement he purchased Steemit INC. and stake. I'm not sure you realize how bad all this looks and not in the favor of the witnesses. How anyone thought it was a good idea to soft fork a millionairs funds days after he announced his acquisition is beyond me. He not only has the funds to fight back but also much more resources. Justin Sun could easily crush the Steem coins value if he wanted.

'VietMeme".... I like that! Lmao!

I'm going to continue extending my offer to help him get out of the mess he, ned, and the exchanges created.

The first step to helping, is to admit that the witnesses are also to blame for this mess. If they hadn't implemented the softfork, none of this would be happening right now.

The witnesses are behaving like the playground bully who punches a kid, then when the kid brings out a baseball bat, they all start crying no fair!

We need to put all this behind us, I think we need an outside negotiator to help, or Steemit and probably all the associated d'apps will die.


100% agree on your opinion

I fail to see how encouraging memes (that are mostly insulting) about the situation is going to be a good way to keep the negotiations going?

I'll provides some meme but in reverse of what you asked, hopefully they bring a slight smile on some faces to help ease the seriousness of the current situation.

Pleaseeee stop the joking. Do you have any idea how to survive steem block chain without big investor like Justin?

Posted using Partiko Android

This is Steem and we're never giving up!


You don't have to know a lot.........
to update a friggin' price feed.

This just exemplifies the standard of these socks. Perhaps it’s on purpose, or maybe I’m being too kind.

I wonder if he may be a sockpuppet himself.

I think in this situation, that Justin Sun aka Tron should sell their Steem Stake thru a public auction. After Justin Sun bought the Ninja mine Stake and didn't even understood the Steem mechanics, community or agreements I think he should just admit it was a bad decision and try to sell the ninja stake in the best possible way.
He could advertise it that Steem becomes more decentralized by selling the Stake to private investors who believe in the new course of Steem.
I hope that we see something like this otherwise we have to deal with reckless dumping or another big investor with bad intentions.

Who gonna buy the steem from Justin? Only invest nothing to do.

Posted using Partiko Android

First of all those Tokens sold in a public auction would become regular Steem Tokens with all Voting rights etc... and this would also solve the problem with Ninja Stake in Steem, because now this Stake can be bought by many investors.
There is also the SMT and Community project that brings more features to the Steem Economy. And overall the community has shown a lot of strength and Steem is in the Media, if Justin would act wise he would use the attention to turn the situation around.

Could you persuade your close friend to buy steem from Justin? I can't. Because I have no idea how steem block chain can survive without extra investments

Let see many unknown people invest a money to buy steems from Justin.

As you know we need excellent developers and marketing guys to finish SMT and better steem block chain. Then who will pay salaries for the these guys?

A witness is just a witness not people to pay salaries to them. We need a guy or group of people who can invest lots of money to realize the future of steem.

I don't think its my job or duty to persuade anybody to buy Steem.
Why did you bought Steem even though never spended any money on marketing or even good development?
The old Dev Team of can be payed via the new Steem DAO or they form a new company / Group for themself to develop the Steem Blockchain.
We got Communities and SMTs thats enough Baselayer Technology for third parties to develop on.
I'm just saying one of the biggest plus points would be that the Ninja Stake is out of the way and Steem becomes a truly decentralize platform.

Thanks for your answers. My point is that we need lots of invest from outside to make better steem block chain. And I hope Justin will be one of them. We should find a solution not blaming Ninja stake something. This is not helpful to steem community

There are sockpuppets but what about the rpc server? Is that one also compromised?

To be sure use another rpc server as steemit.

It's almost the 10th.. everyone hope that I'm winning that lottery... I will bail us out with that cash. 😉 because I will believe in steem and want to work out a fantastic idea I have.

A lot of good memes on this list!

I wouldn't get my hopes up with the exchanges yet.

Hopefully, the STEEM community and TRON will reach a consensus in an efficient manner. If they fail to reach an agreement and it poses potential risks/damages to STEEM users on Binance, we reserve the right to take corresponding actions at the consent of our users.

i.e. they reserve the right to vote again!?

they reserve the right to vote again!?

They didn't say who they'd vote for.

steem or steemit community ;)

Isn't it obvious?

I agree, if he wants out I endorse that, if he wants those sock puppets, this is war

Congratulations @aggroed!
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The Tienanmen Square illustration sums all of this up perfectly... :-/

Do you really think this is necessary? This clearly shows what kind of guy you actually are.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

The exchanges were powering up customers funds and using it for voting. They had no right to do so.

The duly elected witnesses made a decision on behalf of their voters, similar to how congress enacts a law if the majority of representatives vote 'yes' on a bill. If justin wanted to do this the proper way, he would have appealed to the community to vote in his witnesses so that he could reverse the soft fork. Instead, he used his friends at Binance and Huobi to misappropriate user funds and overturn our democracy. He clearly cares more about his money than the principles of decentralization.

Moreover, why did he ignore the witnesses during the acquisition when they asked him for more information? Why didn't he clarify his intentions with the SteemIt funds?

I use binance and trust wallet,, tell me good alternative and I will leave these twats.... TeamSteem💪🏼💯

What do you mean about the witnesses ? How are they destroying value ?