I never know that this dApp is existed before. I have several question @iqbaladan :
- how much reward that we can get?
- can i post my previous traveling?, i mean I have documented several of my trips and adventures over the past few years.
I never know that this dApp is existed before. I have several question @iqbaladan :
I wasn't expecting such useless questions from you. 😂 Of course you can post earlier visited places there. Who's gonna ask you? And, the rewards totally based on the quality of the contents.
LOL, i have timestamped all my pictures :joy:, nah maybe i only need to delete it :joy:
someone that hate me will ask about that for sure :joy:
honestly, that question is not for me because i already explore the dApp :joy: - i mean newbie will come here, and ofcourse they will ask the same, just act like stupid :joy:
And you know how to rise curiosity, it's not a useless questions @ikrahch, I am sure he asked that question to act like a noob.
Hi @sabari18, be nice to Calprut :D
the rewards totally based on the quality of the contents.
Thanks.@ikrahch: I should mention you not sanach, my bad. @calprut should know the answer isLOL sanach lover :kiss: :joy:
And now you will become Papa the Traveler.