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RE: Kari Virtual Girlfriend 5 - virtual GF software for intense single peoples

in #steemhunt6 years ago (edited)

that's why i upvote this,,, so other hunters know that this 75% inappropriate hunts. :Face_palm: WTH, why you downvote this when i give you QUIZ + Mistery behind my comment and upvote :face_palm: :joy:

I just wanna say : this hunt should be delisted :face_palm: damn downvoter!!! :joy: @aamirijaz and @chuuckie


I did not downvote this. I know the pain of the singles who lives alone. But I cannot upvote this because of SH. in my personal opinion this is a good thing for entertainment and passing time. The nudity in the last, made things different, excellent tech. But SH won't accept this at present ...IMHO thinking-emoji.jpg