Boy isn't this a great idea ! It's like single serving friends (Fight Club reference) for any topic whenever you are interested in it. This could make the information rabbit holes even deeper. I'm not addicted to getting into a Wiki and reading it all day. But with a good enough conversations with 1-3 people (maybe even 5 people) things could get really captivating.
I tend to have not so common tastes. So whenever I come across someone I connect with, things go deep very fast. I mean how many people have called Zack Snyder as the Stanley Kubrick of our generation or the Anime Godzilla trilogy as something that is only surpassed by Shin Godzilla.
I'd love to see this project take off. Even the browser is Chromium based. I don't see them implementing something like Brave ads. But other than that I think I'll be willing to make a switch. Thanks a bunch for sharing☺😎