Tranquil Sound Oxygen Bar
Breath higher concentration Of Oxygen
Hunter's comment
% 90 of our energy coms from Oxygen and when there is airflow of Oxygen, We rejuvenate, relax and it increases focus and stamina.
Breathing oxygen from oxygen bars is good for our health and also for our cells.
We see Oxygen Bars in spas and resorts, You can use this portable and compact one, anywhere you want.
You only need to put the headset, oxygen will be directed towards your nostrils and mouth.
Airflow is 5 liters per minute.
There are 3 timer options, 30,20 and 10 minutes.
It works silently.
You don't need to replacement filter.
Built-in Audio Mood Enhancement Technology with Four (4) Nature Sounds Included:
Daytime Brook
Dripping Water
Whale Calls
Nighttime Brook
It is 399.99 $.
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