This is interesting: I would not recommend justifying posts. @crypto.piotr, I'd be interested to know whay you think it would help @simplymike's readers?
From a reading perspective, the eye "expects" the same amount of space between words, and a jagged right margin, which is what happens when you right align text. When I was writing learning materials, it was always a battle with the designers - they wanted to justify everything because they thought it looked better. I had to constantly point out that the materials were to be read so that people could learn. Who won? Anyhow, test it for yourself and see which body of text is easier to read.
I know I'm interrupting a conversation - sorry. A hobby horse of mine ;) Take it or leave it because it's entirely up to you.
Yes. Do Not justify your writing. At least not on page.
you mind telling me why?
cheers, Piotr
Because it strains the reader's eye and many people won't even take the time to read it.
Thank you for your kind comment @fionasfavourites
I wrote my suggestion based on my own personal experience. I found it easier to read justified text. And again, that's only friendly suggestion :)
All the best