I love the security aspect of this type of web hosting. With lots of sites being hijacked and often valuable data stolen, this type of hosting is what we need in this security-prune era
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I love the security aspect of this type of web hosting. With lots of sites being hijacked and often valuable data stolen, this type of hosting is what we need in this security-prune era
Agreed. Security is essential. A problem with centralized sites is that the user has no knowledge or input regarding the security efforts - or investment in security solutions. One membership site that comes to mind - was hacked after collecting personal information from tens of thousands of members, over several years.
The hacker discovered that even the most basic security feature that their host charged only a few dollars each month for- had been declined. The site made a fortune in advertising fees but skimped on protecting their users. The hacker himself was so stunned by this that he posted a message on CraigsList (Nationwide community message board) to reveal this fact and expose the sites negligence.
I was one of the members who's data was stolen. The site did not contact me to warn me of possible risk of misuse of my data. I had to learn of this from a message posted by the hacker himself. True story!