Easily search flights, hotels and cars all in one place

Hunter's comment
Do you want to go on a cheaper trip? No problem, This app will help you.
You can make a reservation anywhere, anytime, at the lowest price by comparing airline tickets, hotels, and rental cars on this app. Search for your best trip in here.
- Find cheap flights tickets
Easily find and compare the cheapest days and months to fly with our color-coded calendar and chart view. You can search more than 1,200 trusted worldwide airlines.
- Get price change notification
Never miss the special moment of your flight ticket. It will notify you whenever prices change.
- Find a special price travel destination
Have you decided on a destination not yet? Select ‘Everywhere’ in the destination box and find the lowest flight ticket around the world.
- Search for lowest price hotels, car rentals
Compare hundreds, thousands of hotels and resorts, recidences, and hostels. / You can filter your vehicle, fuel, and more to find a rental car at the right price range.
- Find exactly what you want
Set flight times, waypoint, airlines, seat ratings, arrival times, major hotel facilities and more to find the best tickets!
- No additional fees
This is a free search service. No booking fees or hidden charges.
I highly recommend this app for people who like to travel abroad like me. :)
Hunter: @jbean

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Love the app! I am already using it, used it for my flight bookings to Bali in July! Can't wait for it :)
"Moderator Comment
Thanks for this hunt. Will check it the next time when I am looking for a flight.
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저 같은 영어 까막눈은 뭔 말인지 잘 몰랐네요
비행기 호텔 랜트 카 앱 같은거 같은데 하고 보다보니
"스카이 스캐너"군요
저 같이 저렴한 비행기 원하는 사람한테는 딱이죠 ~ ㅎㅎ
ㅎㅎ 저도 해외여행을 좋아라 해서 애용하는데 정말 좋더라구요!
Pros: AIO (All In One) App that we need to search for traveling needs.
Cons: Nothing. It's really a helpful app for traveller.
이벤트 참여 감사합니다ㅎㅎ
보팅 꾹 누르구 가용~^^
항상 감사합니다^_^
저도 이 앱써요~ 다른 앱 써봤는데 여기가 저렴하고 찾기 쉬운거 같더라구요.
맞아요 저도 이것저것 써봤는데 이게 제일 낫더라구요!
아.. 눈치껏 여행에 관한 앱 소개글이라는걸.. ㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ눈치왕!! >_<
헌트를 ㅎㅎㅎ 능력자시군요 ^^ 응원해요~~
감사합니다 :)
바로 설치 갑니다
와우 행동력 대장이시네욥!
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