
This machine is really helpful to laundry services. Please see my observed Pros and Cons of the product:


  • a machine that has two compartments/division, for big and small laundries.
  • many laundries can be done.
  • this is really helpful in categorizing the clothes. I have been hearing that all sorts of clothing is usually combined in laundry shops (like: tshirts are washed together with socks). With the help of 2 compartments, clothes will have the standard result after laundry.
  • 2008 purchased Washing machine of LG may be upgraded with this one.


  • since the price is too high, this is only commendable to laundry services.
  • much complicated installation.

My wife and mother in law would love this


  • I love the part where it saves electricity for fewer clothes as I have a kid
  • Having 2 washing machines ready to use saves a lot of time
  • Can also be a great investment for laundry businesses or hotels


  • Can't think of anything aside from it being a bit costly


  • It has a separate mini washing machine under the existing washing machine.
  • You can use it without bending your back when you put the laundry in the upper washing machine.
  • You can use both the top washing machine and the bottom washing machine at the same time which is really a cool thing
  • It has a very advanced technology


  • No cons at the moment

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hey there, as far as i can see you added more bulletpoints and images, but the body of the post is not improved, i'm finishing my shift now can you improve the text on this post otherwise i'll have to refuse it.

I'll update a little more.

I've modified my post. Please review it, again.

you missed out 'please' on the end. it's already live thou? verified.

Thank you so much : )

Pros :

  • It can be a better upgrade on your laundry room where it provides a washier, dryer and a storage all in one
  • It has features that are full integrated with TurboWash technology
  • It does provide a custom-care laundry loads
  • With big loads at the same time, it will able to clean them up with around 30 minutes with its newly enhanced technology

Cons :

  • This kind of washing machine is really expensive, with the cost of $2579

Great informative post Thanks for sharing will purchase while be back to home from travel.

I am really glad that my information has helped you.


  • Noisy, noise pollution.
  • Additional Expenses once you have a Washing Machine.

와~ 정말 꾸준하게 하시네요! 응원하고 갑니다.
저는 세 번 해봤는데.. 가끔 해보려고 합니다. 좋은 아이템 찾는 것도 쉬운 일이 아니네요..^^

원래 제가 혁신적인 상품을 좋아해서요.^_^
응원 감사합니다.

국내 제품은 일단 배제하고 있었는데, 음.... 고려해봐야겠네요.

넵^^ 응원 감사합니다~

매일 열심히 하시네요 오늘 화이팅입니다!! 좋은 결과 있으시길:)

네 감사합니다 : )

아이용 세탁기 따로 두시는분들 많은데 이것만 있어도 되겠네요.
좋은 상품 또 알아갑니다. 화이팅!!!!!!

네 공간절약도 됩니다 ^^;;


이번에 1등~~

늘 응원해주셔서 너무 감사합니다^^

레오님 순위권 가즈아!!!!!!!!!!!

저는 너무 순위 집착 안하고 편하게 즐기면서 하려고요~^^
(물론 12시 다가오면... ㅎㅎㅎ)
헌트 토큰 모으는 재미가 요샌 더 쏠쏠하네요^^

반님 또 준비하셔서 1위 하셔야죠~^^

모더레이터 팀험블이 그날의 랭킹 정했는데, 그 사람은 반님꺼 1위로 제꺼 5위로 평가했어요^^

스팀헌트 재밌어보이네요 구경만 하고 있어요

자이언트님 한번 가즈아~~

네 그냥 등수 너무 신경 안쓰면 잼있습니다^^
리젝 먹어도 걍 쿨하게 인정하면 되고요^^
포스팅 할거 없을 때 가볍게 하면 좋아요~

자이언트님도 한번 도전하세요~~

찡스님 5위 진심으로 축하드려요~^^

Here's my review on this:

Pros :
-It’s the laundry dream team you’ve been waiting for : a bundle of LG front-loading washer, LG SideKick, LG dryer and LG dryer pedestal storage
-t is specially designed for your small, custom-care laundry loads. You can clean days of sweat- laden spin class gear now rather than waiting fora full load in your regular washer

Cons :

No cons on this amazing laundry machine.

LG에서 멋진 세탁기가 나왔군요 ㅎㅎ 레오님 오늘도 화이팅입니다~~

포스팅 할게 저는 너무 많아서
감당이 안되네요 ㅎㅎㅎ

아 ㅎㅎ 행복한 고민 아니신지요^^ 함께 즐거운 헌팅되었으면 좋겠습니다~~ 가즈앙~~

넵 감사합니다^^

순위권 응원합니다~~


I will buy it within months~!!

You will never regret it.

오늘은 2위도 가능하겠는데요..? 저도 꾸준히 해보려합니다 ㅎㅎ 파이팅~

불가능해요 ㅎㅎㅎ
그냥 즐기면서 하는겁니다~

순수군도 화이팅~!!!!

잘 되길 바래요.


정말 꾸준하시네요

평소에 관심있던게 많아서요 ^^

it looks so spectacular. It can fly


Thank you, sir. Ha ha

@leeyh you are welcome =)

보팅을 받아서 높은 순위부터 헌트의 보팅을 받는다고 하더군요...
이웃들 헌트하면 무조건 보팅해야겠네요..ㅎㅎ

예 감사합니다^^
전 그냥 이런 기발한걸 워낙 잼있어해서 즐기면서 참여하고 있습니다. 영어로 하니까 더 스팀잇이 글로벌한 네트워크란게 실감나고요~

할 줄을 몰라(?) 눈팅만 하고 올라오는 제품들 눈으로 시연 겁나게 하고 있네요!!
이렇게 울나라 제품 올라오면 괜스레.. 더 반갑네요~ㅎㅎ

우리나라 대표가전 LG를 세계에 알려야죠~
저 모델은 미국에서 한국보다 비싸게 팔리는거 같더라고요
아주 애국심이 느껴졌습니다^^

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