This looks awesome! Like you, I get sidetracked all over the place, so I started using oldschool sticky notes, but then my table was soon covered in them; so I switched to keeping a note book and pen beside me, but that too is a mess of scribbles that I occasionally sort through and think, "oh yeah, I was going to do that" :) So, perhaps this will solve my problem.
Who am I kidding...I probably need professional help :)
Guess being organised was a subject at the technical school we both didn’t go to, lol.
I too have sticky notes, notebooks (plural), my phone’s notebook and Steemshare (and like 30 tabs open in my browser at the same time), but to be honest... I’m still all over the place and sidetracked every 10 seconds...
Maybe we should start a self-help group... something like the AA, but we should call it the AHU: Anonymous Hopeless Unorganized ;0P
hahaha that's funny! I have found that Fast Reply has totally put blinders on me when I'm replying to all of my comments and it is amazing. I don't get distracted at all. I do bookmark things that are important and periodically run through those, but generally speaking, I do keep a plan in place and years of teaching 150 kids a day gave me the tools to either remember a lot of stuff or at the very least, pretend to look organized :)
I should try it out sometime, but can’t get it to work on my phone. Maybe later, when I’m motivated enough to take out my tablet again... :0)
I hear you! 😂 How's your "head-space" with recoup #2 going?