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RE: 3D Food Printer Procusini 3.0 - Print Your Food Straight out of the Magazine

in #steemhunt6 years ago

Wow! I suppose it was inevitable that something like this would be invented, and it does look like amazing tech. But, this just feels a little off to me.

So, you can print food, But does that mean you should? Where does this lead, and where will it end? There are so many possibilities, and so many avenues we could go down if this is accepted and developed further, and some will undoubtedly have benefits for the poor (if they get access to the tech, which is doubtful).

From what I can see (with my amazing future-sight-glasses on), it's just another step into the 'we're too lazy to do anything' world of convenience over all else.

Maybe I'm just getting old!?