
Thank you

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What's interesting about it?

i found interesting.. u r here to judge people?
that my intention comment, whats your pain here...none of your bussiness.

I asked a very simple question. What makes you think that I am judging people just because of that? If you think it is none of people's business to interact with you in this platform then you should not be here.

then why did u reply me as a question, it look like there is nothing in that post that interesting, but i comment as a interesting...i took it as you r satirzing my comment...thats what it look like your reply to my comment...plz dont criticize anyone. every individual thinks different. @macoolette

Read my question and tell me where is criticizing in there. You just presumed.

haha, i just comment about u. u jgenerelize my comment. am here to interact with people. but not with who criticized me.

It was you who generalized a very simple question to being judgmental. Now you're trying to project back to me. Anyway, I just realized this conversation is useless so I'll just shut up and not watse anymore time on it. Good luck to you!