
Use your Litecoin then?

I am afraid to use any of my Cryptos ... maybe SBD if it is pegged to 1 Dollar

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would use my Tether or SBD... only the Cryptos that are pegged at $1.... there was a method to @dan ‘s madness

Posted using Partiko iOS

We won’t get mainstream adotption if everybody just HODLs. This should be obvious at some point in the future (: If you don’t spend it, most of the people who know you won’t see it as a “currency”.

We need some pegged at $1 like Tether and SBD so that we can spend it without the fear of spending $1 Million on a pizza

Posted using Partiko iOS

Pegs don’t always work.


SBD should have 2 pegs but it only has 1, trying to keep it above a dollar. It’s clearly not working. You should check out BitUSD if you’re really into Pegs, BitUSD will be the king of pegged cryptos (:

money is infinate.

Yeah... where ? In my house money is very FINITE

Posted using Partiko iOS

It can definitely feel that way sometimes but somehow more always appears.

Posted using Partiko Android