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RE: LSEV - 3D Printed Eléctric Car

in #steemhunt6 years ago

XEV has already received 7000 orders from Europe even before mass production commences. 5000 orders come from Poste Italiane. And the other 2000 orders come from ARVAL, a vehicle leasing company fully owned by BNP Paribas. XEV plans to start production in the second quarter of 2019.

That itself indicates, the demand because of such a nice car. And more ever, they are saying, they can now finish a new car design in just 3-12 months, while it usually takes 3-5 years for other car companies. The only information, that I am not able to find out is about the safety, e.g. given that majority of the parts are in polymaker material(that is why its just 450 kg) , how safe it is to sustain an accident.