The Extreme Velocity Desktop Toy

Hunter's comment
Designed to spin at a speed of 3600 RPM that is actually gold plated
Hallospere consists of two gold plated spheres.
Rotate the halosses by hand and move faster using a metal straw, and a metal ball will rise and spin in the air.
The Halospheres box set comes with a rotating platform, two gold plated metal spheres, a rotating platform and a metal straw.
Designed to move 10 times faster and be 100 times more visible, Halosphere can rest during work breaks.
It is definitely a beautiful and simple work of art.
Hunter: @sonki999

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Pros and Cons:
-Simple mechanism for the cool effect
-Fun to kill time
-a straw and two sphere might be able to do the trick
-Could employ more high tech stuff to make it even more cooler
Thank you for your good comment
Have a nice day
• designed to make faster movements
• simple but interesting
•there is no
Thanks for your review
Good Hunt @sonki999
Note: This is just ”My Personal Opinion & Assessment”, not intended to “Judge” the reviews you have made.
Idea / Innovation
The innovation of Halospheres is quite interesting. Although it's just like a toy, but it can be a unique decoration accessories.
Design / UI / Spec
Cool !. it's words that get out of my mouth.
Features / Advantages / Benefits
The benefits are limited to its use as accessories and decorations only. This is useful for providing an elegant sensation for you.
$ 25, for a unique decoration, this price is still very well received.
Nothing. Only, this is less useful.
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Thanks for your kindly review
Have a nice day
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Wow, my first time to see such kind of product @sonki999. Thanks for sharing. Now, please check my personal review:
Pros :
Cons :
This is badass!!!! and here are my reviews
Pros :
Cons :
Cool! This looks so futuristic! I don't think it is expensive on kickstarter so that's a good point. I love the black and gold combination, it looks so modern. I don't really know what it's good for but i would love to have one of this on my working table haha, good hunt sonki :)
Thank you for your kind comment.
Have a nice weekend.
아자 아자 ~
항상 감사합니다^^
순위로 이번에도 ㄱㄱ
즐거운 주말 가즈아!!
항상 응원해 주셔서 감사합니다
즐거운 주말 보내세요^^
Cool hunt! 화이팅~!
Pros :
Cons :
Thank you for your kind comment.@feelsogood
wow! 3600 rpm? That is FAST!! Nice hunt!
며칠사이에 보팅랭킹 시스템이 또 바뀌었나 보네요...
저도 오랫만에 도전.
오늘부터 랭킹 시스템이 변경되었네요
다수의 피라미 부계정으로 점수를 올리는 문제로
Steemit평판 점수를 활용한다 합니다
스팀헌트내에서도 탑10에 든 이력 등 활동 점수가 높은 사람이 보팅하면 스코어가 많이 올라가는 시스템인것 같네요
암튼 더 바람직한 방향으로 변경된것 같네요 ㅎㅎ
와우 이거 좋네요 ㅎ
저 10위내에 자주 들어서
제가 찍으면 포인트가 더 많이 올라가나요?
x 1.6 뜨던데요
지금 1.6 뜨시면 완전 상위권 이신것 같습니다
레오님의 응원이 힘이 많이 됩니다^^
그리고 도전도 해보세요
예전보다 상워권 올라가기가 더 좋은 여건이 된것 같아요
요즘 바빠서 헌트에 포스팅 할 시간이 없더라고요 ㅎㅎㅎ
화이팅 응원합니다~
Wow! It's a novelty product.
오늘 느낌 좋은데요.상위권 고~
Nice Hunt!
Thank you for your kind comment.
Congratulations on your verified.
Thank you for sharing.
Good luck to you.
Thanks for your review
Have a nice day @ilovemylife
저는 시도도 안해 보지만
응원 드릴게요
우리 수지님도 잘하실것 같은데 오늘 저녁 한번 도전해 보세요 ㅎㅎ
항상 감사합니다
오~오 ~ 7등이네요! 1등 한번 갑시다~ ㅎㅎ
독거님의 화끈한 응원 감사합니다 주말에도 일하신다고 고생하시는데 맛난거 드시면서 일하세요
응원하려면 화끈하게 해야죠! ㅎㅎ
쫌 많이 멋지심^^
오~~호 , 아주 신기한 것을 찾아내셨네요, ㅎ
네 요거 책상위에 올려 놓으면 좋을것 같아요
예쁘기도 하구요^^
오늘도 우승하세요~
감사합니다 레오님^^
Thanks for your review
Have a nice day~~^^
신박합니다 >_<
I'm hooked, I could play and blow for hours.
요즘 바빠서 스팀헌트에 신경을 못썼는데 보팅방식이 바꼈네요. 조만간 활동재개해야겠어요. ㅋㅋ 파이팅!
Great hunt!
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