Thank you for posting on Steemhunt!
However, your post has been delisted on Steemhunt because it does not meet the following posting guidelines.
10,000,000+ have downloaded this!!
- Mobile/Web Extention Apps
Like games, there are tons of mobile/web extention applications nowadays, and many of them are too generic to be featured on Steemhunt. If you share the following apps, we may delist your hunting post:
• Apps that only have web browsing or read-only features.
• Apps that already have many downloads/reviews (with the exception of apps that have released a completely new version).
• Copy cat of a renowned app.
• Apps considered extremely similar to previously hunted apps.
Please read our Posting Guideline here, and let me know if you've updated your post on Steemhunt (by clicking the "edit" button) - feel free to join the discord and if you are brand new check out this guide infographic that might help