An app designed to manage all aspects oyour business travel
Hunter's comment
A new travel app designed to to save you the hassle of doing research. The app has a slogan "travel smarter"
Book flights and hotels in minutes
No travel agents
Automated expense reports
Real time expense calculation
Perfect for large companies or independent business, you can organize your company expenses at either the department or individual level. It should free up your account departments time by organizing all the expenses for them.
Available across different devices ie phone, tablet, laptop etc. I like this app it learns from your past travel experiences and personalizes the results.
Hunter: @viraldrome
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The option Expense on the go is very good especially when you travel with friends and you have to divide the costs fairly. I have to try it. Thanks for sharing this hunt @viraldrome
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some power tips for the next hunt.. .
this all in one app will be useful for me who often travel
thanks for sharing anyway
Oh amazing! It's very good to find useful resources in order to make our trip's planification easier and less stressful!
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