Let me tell you a story...
So a few weeks ago, I got a call telling me about something related to Steem that was to happen in Ibadan, Nigeria. It was billed to be the best meetup yet. The voice on the other side sounded so sweet and it felt like it was all hyped and too good to be true. The promises were so high and seemed way too impossible to achieve but there was only one way to find out.
I had to be there to see for myself so I checked for the details and embarked on the journey down to Ibadan. On getting to this big city, where I knew nowhere, I had to rely on asking around for directions. Some Good Samaritan finally helped me find my way and I was at the venue.
I sat down like a boss. I must say the environment was awesome. The organisers get an A for venue. I was so lucky to have come early enough as people began to troop in in their numbers and before you could spell STEEM, the hall was filled to capacity. I was impressed and I had to show it!
After several hours and all the hype, food was nowhere to be found. Can you imagine that? I thought they said there'll be lots of food and drinks over here? The best meetup yet? Never! This must be the best scam yet. I was so pissed at this point but no one seemed to care. They just went on talking about all this Steemit bullcrap.
You think I'm lying, come see the chat on my phone. Guys see o, can't you see? They actually specifically mentioned that there'd be more than enough food. I had no idea where all that promised food had gone to hide. Or was it on that Israelite journey? 🤔
Moments later, I felt re-energized! I had seen something that looked like food coming through. I wasn't sure but my instinct is rarely wrong. The excitement couldn't be hidden. Oh my goodness!! Food is on its way!!!
Oh yeah the food came and my instincts were right yet again. There was pizza and small chops and drinks. At the time this picture was taken, my drink was the only surviving item available to feed your eyes with.
My people say something in the line of "Once food is taken away from a man's problem, his problems are over". I don't know if what I wrote is a legit saying but it was true in my life. As soon as food was settled, I could then show my real face. So I sat down and listened to the speakers talk. Looks like I learned something.
This post is so creative....
I enjoyed the meetup, the venue was cool, turn up was impressive, the speakers were a hit back to back.
I enjoyed the pizza part....
You guys were absolutely amazing
Thank you for coming! I enjoyed seeing you too and your fine smile . 😁😍☺️
Do we want to pretend like we don’t know who the person in the first picture is? 🤔😁
No laye! we are not pretending...
This is my chance to blow....
Hello everybody, the lady in the picture is me....
Thanks for hosting us@adejoke16 i saw you too...
Thank you for coming😀
you are beautiful sister!
Thank you....
Oh! I poured out my heart out on the post i made about it already and i will do that again now. Without any iota of doubt, that was the best by miles and really, it was totally awesome. The ambience, the touch, the people, the lectures, putting a face to the handles, the food...oh...yes...the laughs and finger pointing when reality sets in and you actually see the person in flesh, the Fi! Hahaha everything was top notch. I haven't recovered from the joy and excitement given during this meet up. That was absolutely amazing, mind blowing and really fun. I can't wait for more.
It really had a big impact on my understanding of steemit and helped me unlearned somethings
Using that christian song (show me how big the size of your God is), i could sing (The impact wey steemit ib meetup do for my life is so big oh, agidigba oh)
The meetup was cool and very informative. Most importantly refreshing to the brain and to the body through the snack and drink.
Keep steeming
Twas a WOW event
Got to see all the STEEM family in flesh and blood.
For me it is was enlightening.
To me, this is the best meet-up yet!!
And I am so glad to have been a part of it.
The Ibadan steemit family has made me see that family goes beyond tribe and nationality and blood. Family is a group of people that share similar interests and make things happen.
I'm so glad to be a part of this family.
Much love 😘😘😘
The event was really impressive. I have no regrets making out time to be there
Oh! Yeah! I did attend the Steem Ibadan Meetup and it's amazing, the biggest one ever! I had fun all through. I really enjoyed myself and I must confess, I've never had it as fun as that in a very long time. The Steem Ibadan Meetup really killed it
I'm this cool guy that looks almost exactly like you, the selfie I took with you stamps that, lol. Steemit gave everyone (different tribe, race etc) a chance to interact, socialize and relate with each other like a family. I've also seen Steemit bring out the best in People.
The Steem Ibadan Meetup was very educative as I was able to go home with how to really get the best out of Steemit without missing out on anything, especially the fun.
I also enjoyed the pizza.
Thank you for being who you're.
Food at conferences is always on my mind. I need to know what it is and when it's coming, and if I'll eat it at all.
What was the ratio of girls to guys? Looks like mostly guys from the photos?
food is very important
Haha! You should come to Nigeria soon. You’ll eat and eat till you can’t eat anymore 😁
There were lots of girls. I believe it should be close to 50:50. I only used pictures that went with the story I was trying to tell.
I just might do a different post focusing on the “girls at the meetup”
50:50 would be impressive. We had 8 out of 19 total at our last meetup, that was the best ratio I've seen. Most crypto meetups have 19 men for each woman, but Steem usually has 2:1 which is far closer to what it should be.
Nice one guys 👏🏿🇳🇬
Yeaah this is great, good work bro
I love creativity
Nice one boss
let them know
Thank you mama 😁
lmao......see my face like fufu that was stepped on by a little kid....with my grandpa smile...lol.....@fisteganos why hast thou done this to me...of all the pictures to post bros
🤣🤣🤣🤣 the story had to be told 😁
You and the other facilitators did a yeoman job. Kudos
I did not attend but looking forward to when a Lagos meet up would be organized
i trust yo always know how to deliver. The crowd was much. A good way to go for Steemit
The event was lit! I think I forgot to take someone's phone number. I saw you scouting for pizza for @nwamaka.
Good of you.
Lol. I’m cool like that 😎. Thank God your forgot o 👅👅👅
Yeah, you are😘
Awww, @fisteganos but why you should have call my attention to that knowing fully well i was in charge of the food. It takes me nothing to get you the best considering the fact that i was there for u, i was part of this team to give you the best, nothing but the best. But am glad u finally got a drink showing that smiley face of yours. Seeing you at meet up was simply the best @fisteganos
Lmao. Yeah right! 😄
Let me just pass.
Let me just pass.
@adejoke16 please stay...smile
Not even one shot of me... This life is a hot pot o beans really.
The Ibadan steemit meetup was an amazing one. I enjoyed every bit of it and it was good to meet you again even though I didn't get to eat pizza 😭
This isn’t all the pictures na. Don’t feel sad 👅
The pizza was proving stubborn and you were busy! 😁
@kekegist coman answer query here
Sorry about that.. I'll still check the folder for a picture of you.. sorry mama whale..
My God!!!! This write up is just LIT. You are a good story teller @fisteganos. So on point. This is Wow!!!!!!
I dey try 😁🙈
Oh mehn!
This write up deserves an Award.
@ewuoso come and see yourself here😁
Yeah the meetup was amazing bruv. My first time in the city. I've not really attended a lot of meetups but by every standard this one was an A. From attendance to Speakers to Presentations!
Personally I'm still recovering from its impact, meetinv guys like you, seeing all the sacrifices people made just to be at the meetup has given many of us a lot to think about sir.
Boss! I was so happy to see you man. Had no idea you were coming. 😁
Mehn, you this nigga!😂😂
The meetup was AHmazing!
It was my first Steemit meetup ever and it was everything.
Everything was on check, except for the fact that I also got hungry at some point😂
Then I missed out on the pizza too😥😭
I had so much fun and gained so much knowledge on Steemit as well.
It was really good to see your big head again, my celebrity ****😝😝
How dare you miss the pizza?! No wonder we had an extra box 😏😔
**** = boyfriend, yeah? Lol.
Are you frigging kidding me? So there was an extra box, and I wad told its finished. Cold world😭
Yeaah! Good you know your title already😘😘
Lmao. Let them catch you!
Awww so sorry about that sir. Worry not, the next one shall not pass you by😁
Lolz, lovely concept bro @fisteganos. Even in your write-ups, your humility must be felt. The meet-up was one of a kind, the best so far. Thank God for the committee members who did so well.
Boss Boss!!! Nice writeup
Ib meetup was a hit and twas great to finally meet some steemians in person @fisteganos
Words are still failing me to express joy and fun I had over the weekend at the meet up. I have not recover fully from the hangover. The event actually delivered all the promises made. This is evident from all the testimonies so far. In case you miss this meet up, it's a FOUL! But don't worry, it's just a yellow card and not the red card. You're still very much in the game...lol
I am still warming up to give my detailed report of the meet up. Where is @olawalium my official photographer for the meet up? I need my pictures for the compilation of my report.
hahahaha brotherly. I am so sorry. I have been very busy and even off whatsapp for a while. Will get them to you shortly.
The event met up with my expectations, creating an opportunity to building relationships and making new friends, the presentations were also on point I left the event as an armed newbie with as much thoughts as I would want to practically apply using the steem blochain. With regards to its organisation, it was very organised but sincerely, I cannot really say if its the best organised meet-up since I have little or no knowledge of previous meet-up's organised.
There is only 1 word to quantify all I felt after the event and the feeling is once again evident after reading all these comments: #fulfilled!
Lovely story telling Fi!
That was me and @fisteganos. .....lol
Thats me with the great presenters of the day!
I had a great time @mediaNT and @sushie