$164 in 2 hours...thats over $80 an hour...did you ever think youd be making $80 an hour working from home?
And woah i didnt know about dollar vigilante getting flagged after he abandoned steemit ! yeah i see his youtube videos where him and Trace Mayer talk about steemit, and they ADMIT how much money they made but go "BUT I TAKE EVERYTHING OFF STEEMIT IMMIEDATLY" like we are some sort of HYIP pyramid scheme that u have to get all ur money out of IMMEIDTALY lol far from it!
Anyone smart enough to keep steempower will be vastly rewarded! steempower is KEy to getting a larger share of that new steem mined everyday (for all u noobs out there wondering if u should power up...)
but also yeah dollar vigilante should have kept postin!G NO IDEA why he stopped!
the great $4 down to 20 cent price of steem tragedy hurt alot of people who bought in at $4 but look, u could have earned your way back by now! PLUS I had some idea that steemit was from 2014 lol steemit has only been around since 2016! MARCH 2016! we are barely a year old! and peopel complain about the price of steem going down????
wow just wait once we have over $4 steem everyone who bought in at $4 can relax and everyone on youtube will want to jump in hahah even tho they COULD have gotenin when steem was $1!