This is what destroyed that robot.
It was downvoted by several other users as well (and actually, I was not part of it at all, it seems I never even downvoted it), likely because it was spamming posts where people did not want it.Ah, interesting, because I actually was not the one who destroyed dickbutt. You can see dantheman downvoting him here:
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Im sorry. for my misunderstanding. I don't know if i should go in and edit it all out or not. I was running off a faulty memory. I really wanted to highlight the curation leaders bots setting the path for other bots to follow suit. I should just edit it out?
Up to you if or how you want to edit it. Readers can see my response here if they choose!
Though editing she's to he's would be good. :)
i did that right away when it was mentioned. I will admit to my mistake in the post though I have never deleted anything i ever wrote before just fixed typos/ .
I will make it right. promise.
No problem, thanks for editing it!