@stellabelle, for the first time ever I was looking for the flag button but as you can see it wouldn't do diddley squad.
I rather give you some good advice :) I think that you should give vaping a try.
My story in short: I started smoking since I was 14 (moderately) and around my twenties it took off from one to five packs a day.
No shit... I was a walking asphalt plan. After my first pull on a simple vaporizer pen, I dropped my pack of cigarettes like a backstabbing friend and I've been vaping since.
Now, I do have to admit, that once in a while you might be weak and take a pull of an analog...You'll be asking yourself why the hell you was even smoking in the past :)
If you would tell me a good joke 5 years ago, laughing would be like me climbing the Himalaya. Now I can outrun one of our local junkies stealing from our garden. The disbelieve on his face when I'm still on his tail is priceless.
If you would like to know more about what unit to buy and what e-liquid to use, please let me help you staying around longer in full health with the ability to outrun about everyone around you ;)
There are communities counting on your magic. Take out some crypto and go do some healthy shopping!
Please do consider this... Have a good day!
hmmmm, vaping, i might think about this. I know a lot of people do it.
Well, we can't wait to see your next video where you cloud up your place with a big great smile :)