I would be the first to say that this is an AWESOME service and I am very grateful for it. However I would not even consider paying for it as I have other options of which would be free.
If you and others want to pay for it thats great! I do feel that whoever it is deserves compensation for the service. There is also no question about that.
Thanks @blueorgy for all you have done which is even more than this for the Steemit Community!
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Well the paid version could have extra features like removing the maximum 20 image upload limit.
Yea or MOST importantly and IMAGE EDITOR on site! That would be real nice!
I never thought about that. It would be great for last minute touch ups or crops!
Oh wow really?
I just figured it cost to much to implement. I can tell you though it would be VERY valuable and a HUGE upgrade to the whole site and would make me and other want to use it a lot more. Defiantly a feature worth paying for!