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RE: Steem Island Inc. UPDATE

If you want to invest in a symbol of what our community stands for then send over some steem and I'll put your name on the list ( and we may make some money in the process 😊).

All the steem held in the Steem Island account "in trust" for Steem Island Inc. and for everyone who has contributed the steem. If for some reason this does not work out in one year's time period, then everyone will be returned 100% of their contribution.

I am working on the accountability as we speak! Also, I'm a Texas attorney. Any shady business will cost me my license if reported to the Texas State Bar. FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!

Sure you are mate, sure you are.

This is a nothing but a scam. If you don't provide proof of ID, you're obviously planning to do a runner with the all the steem.

Even if you do provide such proof though, the wording you've used covers your arse anyway. Collect steam from people, power up your account and use that power to get even more steem power. Keep posting and talking about the project so people keep upvoting them further increasing your steem power. Then after 1 year, you give back to everyone precisely what they contributed and pocket the extra you've gained from the increased steem power. You've done exactly what you said you would do.

That's a nice scam you've got going there.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I have been a member of this community for 1 year and have over 1,000 followers. I have run 3 games which have been helping the distribution of steem throughout the community. I have put a lot of work into steemstock and have had lots of help from pillars in this community. I am a Texas licensed attorney and I would not risk losing my license over some bullshit scam. If after you do some research you change your mind feel free to contribute! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!!

Daddy I don't think you can cuss on here!!!

/checks upvotes.


Those 3 accounts are all yours, correct?


Those are all you children, right?

So in order to convince me that you're not up to no good, you basically made a comment saying, "trust me, I'm a lawyer" and then upvoted yourself 6 times. Well, that just made me even more suspicious so I checked your kids account histories and they do nothing but resteem your posts.

That's a nice little racket you've got going there.

As a Texas licensed attorney, what trouble would you get into for asking people to invest in a symbol for a year at which point they'll get exactly what they contributed back?

As a Texas licensed attorney, are you authorised to sell securities? Cryptocurrency ones at that?

If you have any intention of purchasing an island or "symbol" or whatever, then why are you only going to return what people paid in if it falls through? Why not return the percentage that they contributed? The answer is obvious. You want to keep all the extra for yourself. Why not just be honest and admit your asking for a one year loan in order to boost your steem power?

My daddy does not do scams you terd 😡

It's ok sweetie. Don't listen to that guy and don't get involved. Your dad can handle his own.

It's ok baby. Listen to tom tom. Don't pay attention to that person. We will just have to prove him wrong - that's all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Not all people are bad. You should think before you speak. Shooting from the hip is a good way to get a bad reputation really fast on here. This community is very cohesive.

I would like to point out a couple things here on this along with my comments I have made in detail here on this post:

1/ I am not questioning the integrity of @riosparada or this project he is working on via the @steemislandinc account.

2/ I am questioning the business planning and case of this project which is very very incomplete.

This is not well thought out or planned, but it does not mean that this friend of mine on here is trying to scam anyone, the word goes around a lot in this crypto space.

The 2 things are not one in the same.

This friend of yours is clearly trying to scam people. If this was posted on the bitcoin forums instead of here, most people would be screaming SCAM because we've seen this shit hundreds of times over the years.

In one years time, there's not going to be a Steem Island. At best, people are going to be getting there 1-3 steem back, and this guy is going to pocketing everything else. People are loaning this guy their steem for a year so he can use it to massively increase his voting power and massively increase his rewards.

If he wasn't trying to pull a scam, he would be offering to return the percentage that was contributed, so that those "investing" would get way more back than they paid in. That's not what's be offered though is it?