@mariavania Account Exposed ! For I.D. Theft - plus the rest of accounts that involved.

Charges for ID theft contents materials.

Here, I have gathered my evidences. Please look carefully and judge yourself from there.

List of accounts related in contents...

@mariavania account Stolen ID @furqanalian the person behind this all. @valeyellow46 account claim to be italian.

You probably find all these accounts contents are Plagiarism!.

Please take Note!

@good-karma @esteemapp you guys are feeding Scammers Please Take Actions

Images taken from here

https://twitter.com/maria_vaniaa https://www.google.com.au/search?q=maria+vania+instagram&rlz=1C1AVSF_enAU696AU696&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi50piB0O3VAhVHvLwKHTCOB-UQ_AUICigB&biw=823&bih=560#imgrc=Nhu9vvtQNVREoM:

This account probably behind all this , his signature is every where

Similarity photos / content

Similar Style Writing

Third accounts involved, similarity content

There is a claim contents of ownership, see where I underline the phrase.

This is why #whalepower manual curation are much Better!

All Whalepower Images are Copy-Rights* , We Reserve Ours-Rights*
*If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.

If you Like it, Love It

Follow Resteem and Visit my Page at @bullionstackers

@steemcleaners @goodkarma @esteemapp @cheetah @adm

Exposing@mariavania steemit account , For ID Theft content from https://www.instagram.com/maria_vaniaa/?hl=en. Why are we allow this sort of stuffs in #steemit . We need to take this Accounts down ASAP! What will make us all looks like in #steemit ? Do we allow this?



Thank you for reminding !

Thanks for respond so quickly.@nicolemoker I guess you got a message from @htliao

I have given flag on of this scammer post :)

WOW! interesting post. I didn't know that people were actually doing such things.. Thanks for finding this users.. I am trying to build a profile here based on my writing and things a i like to do: photography, videos and stories.. I know that is not easy but I love what I do.. so eventually I will see the results... there is no need to fake.. Have a good day!


Como você está?
bem vindo a minha pagina.

ah vc eh brasileiro? ou fala portugues? :-) achei bem interessante o post... eu moro em Londres e o pessoal q eu conheco q esta no Steemit acha um monte de perfil falso.. tem uma menina q eu sigo q ela posta sobre usuarios q seguem milhares e depois dao unfollow pra ganhar poder na plataforma.. o q tem de gente querendo tirar vantagem.. mas isso eh o mundo nao eh? Eu tento me manter focada no q eu acredito e sigo em frente!!! parabens!!

Good job bullionstackers #steempolice Take these fuckers down! :)

Thank you for sharing this valuable information!

Thank you so much for the contribution !

That's some thorough investigating, good work.

Does anyone know if Steem stores the IP address when opening an account? Would be handy to check multiple accounts from one address.

thank you so much @bullionstackers . All of them are connected and scam. Hope it will shut down soon.

Damn she's cute! Thanks for the continuous #whalepower power!

There are so many ID thieves these days... Why do they waste time, every scammer will fail in the end!

Up voted! Takes hard work to have done such a thorough investigation and guts to do the right thing publicly. This kind of corrupt practice brings Steemit's quality down.

You are a great investigator @bullionstackers. I hope that your hard work pays off and they get shut down. It makes me wonder how many other scammers are here on Steemit.

Thanks for remind....100 percent agree with you, no plagiarism or captured other persons and claim as own right...You should quote the link or the author.

#indonesia / #indonesian are plagiarists. Bad indonesia. You do the nice job @bullionstackers


Please edit your comment, I am just about flagged you!
No hater on community! This is up to individual.
You have half a day to edit it.


Well, that's great work but I'm wondering... how many time do you spend on research? Must be huge. Respect 🙌

That's the thing about steemit there's always someone watching. Nice work :)

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @dreamingirwin.

Thank you for information

Looks like he makes less than a dollar from each post. Should probably contact @SherlockHolmes

I took all down as much as i could.
Did @mariavania proof already that this is real.

Long life to the free vote...

Never Reply Back. Continue doing Plagiarism.
Three of the Accounts is associates.