
I don't even think I called him a fuckstick or mongoloid in the post... I'm going soft!

Haha, man you've changed!!


Restraint lifted. Dox'd that piece of shit.

He lives with his mom in arizona

I was looking just there actually. You really did give him every chance to make good so fuck him :0)

After 4 or 5 hours of attempting to show the kid the error of his ways I stepped it up a notch.. Hate having to pull out full asshole mode but even I have my limits no matter how calm I tried to remain.

You were exceptionally calm, you offered a million chances so there was nothing else for it. Its the arrogance of the wee basturt that blew me away. As if he has the right to put what he wants where he wants when he wants. The all the shitty posts he put up. Fucking good on ya dude!

I saw mongoloid!!! hahahahaha