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RE: Hall of Shame: @ancap47

in #steemit-abuse8 years ago (edited)

This saga has been become a fascinating series of posts. I first came across it from the number of flagged posts in my feed which I have never really seen much of before. I agree with you @bitdollar that we don't want the haters here. That said I do like the flagging mechanism as a way to dissuade them, although I like others in here have not used it before. I was a bit surprised that we ended up at thermonuclear war quite so quickly but that was a learning for me too to not start one with an angry "71".

I have put links in comments before to other articles where I thought it was relevant to someone's questions or even the author's post but not to something that I had written "which I guess would have made it spam, if i had?" I believe that we are encouraged to provide supporting links to back up our statements although if its a link to your own content that kind of defeats the object unless you are an acknowledged expert in the field.
The decency issue is clear if asked not to do it then quit. I have learned a great deal today.


I think posting links that are relevant to the conversation is completely acceptable! I've posting my own blog posts because they were discussing the same issues and have gotten only positive feedback when I have done it in the right circumstances. Not to mention I have created some of my best relationships that why here and have received some of my biggest rewards. Spamming is when you are doing it everywhere when it is not necessary. Imo...thoughts?

True enough and I have linked to one of my own posts before where I felt it had useful information. I have taken to curation and commenting more to build up connections who have similar interests. But that actually involves replying and I am cautious of not wearing the audience out. I have only one mute against me so far :)