1 Minute Meditation (June 12) - a Healthy STEEM Distribution Activity

1 minute meditation 2.png

use the clock.png

Follow the second-hand around with your eyes, steady your breathing, clear your mind and relax your body.



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All liquid STEEM made from this post will be awarded to one lucky participant.

(based on a public lottery number just like The Daily Health Score)

How to qualify:

  1. Leave a comment with the words "Starting meditation."
  2. Then use the clock above to help you meditate for at least 1 minute
  3. Then leave a reply to your first comment with the words "Finished meditation."


Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 11.00.47 PM.png

Your two comments must be at least 1 minute apart

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Feel free to meditate for longer if you like:)

There are 2 pages

Apologies for any confusion... by accident I posted this from my personal account today rather than from @steemit-health. Total payout will be transferred from my account to @steemit-health and paid out just as usual.


It worked out pretty well for this meditation post tho.

I'm just throwing out some ideas, how about lumosity training, you can register for free and play the games there, maybe a screenshot of the 3 free ones completed or something :) premium members get to play 5 per their daily training session. It's fun and it gives you some stats, to see how well and where you are best versed. It's useful.

also please do i more often, it seems you are getting some upvotes :) that steem health doesn't see :D

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting medidation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Starting meditation

Finished meditation. That actually helped some thanks.

Congratulations @dan-atstarlite!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 141 comments

starting meditation

finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting Meditation!

Om Mani Padme Hum

Finished Meditation

Time is moeny. i like it

Starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation.

I like all this new thinking of one minute meditation or power naps and burst exercise. Plus intermittent fasting . It all makes for more time to live your life to the full

Good comment,
following you.

Started Meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished Meditation.

starting meditation.

finished meditation.

following you.

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting Meditation

Finished Meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

starting meditation

finished meditation

zen.pngstarting meditation

finishing meditation

Starting Meditation.

Finished Meditation.

Congrats! For clearing you mind!!!... and also for winning the liquid STEEM / SD from this post! (total value paid out in STEEM)

You were selected randomly as the winner based on a public lottery number

thank you. i appreciate your gesture. im powering it up.

starting medication

finished medication

starting meditation

finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation

Starting Meditation

Finished Meditation

🍒 Starting meditation

Finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

starting meditation

finished meditation

Start meditation.

Finished meditation.

starting meditation

finished meditation

Starting meditation.

Finished meditation.

Starting meditation

Finished meditation

There are 2 pages